About TripTunes
Use TripTunes to create a Spotify playlist of songs that mention towns along your route
Create a secrets.json
with {"GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY": "the secret key"}
npm install
npm run dev
In a separate tab:
npm run serve:client
In another separate tab:
npm run dev:backend
To deploy:
sls deploy
(you need aws credentials for this)
To lint:
npm run lint
APIs and Tools
Syntax: http://www.lightscript.org/
Interface: https://facebook.github.io/react/
Playlists: https://www.spotify.com/us/
Maps: https://www.maps.google.com
Server: https://serverless.com/
Hosting: https://www.netlify.com/
TripTunes was created on March 11 and 12th for the 2017 Reactathon at Github in San Francisco, CA. It was inspired by a cross-country roadtrip from California to New York through the deep South.
Alex Rattray, @rattrayalex
Jahlela Hasle, @jahlela
John Rossberg, @rossii123
Razzi Abuissa, @razzius
Background image: https://www.pexels.com/photo/road-landscape-nature-woman-126313/
Web components: http://www.material-ui.com/
Lyric search: http://www.lyrics.com/