
EfficientDet implementation using TensorFlow 2 Object Detection API

Primary LanguagePython


EfficientDet implementation for object detection using TensorFlow 2 Object Detection API


  • Put your label file to the nets/data folder, see example in this folder
  • Run python generate.py for generating train and test tensorflow record files. Please, change set and output_path arguments related to train and val set
  • Run python train.py for training

Dataset structure

├── Dataset folder 
    ├── IMAGES
        ├── 1111.jpg
        ├── 2222.jpg
    ├── LABELS
        ├── 1111.xml
        ├── 2222.xml
    ├── train.txt
    ├── val.txt


  • xml file should be PascalVOC format
  • for making train.txt and val.txt format, see VOC2012/ImageSets/Main/train.txt
