
Math magician app: built with react

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Math magicians

Built With and Used Technologies

  • JavaScript (ES6 syntax and modules)
  • React
  • Gitflow

Getting Started

To get a copy of this project running on your local computer, do the followings:


  • Must have a working computer
  • A Web-Browser installed (Chrome - Recommended)


  • Install VSCode (link)
  • Clone this project repository on your local computer. (link)
  • Open the project directory with VSCode


Open Terminal/Shell inside your VSCode and run

  npm install --force

 npm start

Run tests

  • For running project

npm start

  • For style tests, run
      npm run lint:style
  • For eslint tests, run
      npm run lint:es


👤 Jahongir Yusupov

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Fellow Micronauts