Applied Machine Learning and Predictive Modelling Class Project


Group work Administrative information • It will account for 40% of the final grade. • It represents a complete analysis of a data set where you use the machine learning methods seen in class. • In particular, you must use: – a Linear Model – a Generalised Linear Model with family set to Poisson – a Generalised Linear Model with family set to Binomial 1 – a Generalised Additive Model – a Neural Network – a Support Vector Machine – solve an optimisation problem • It must be uploaded on ILIAS in a dedicated delivery folder. • the deadline to deliver the group work is on Friday two weeks (for FS) and resp. three weeks (for HS) after the semester end at 5pm (i.e. in HS23 the deadline is on January 12th 2023). • NB: the deadline is hard. Late submissions will be penalised by a point (i.e. maximum grade achievable is then 5). • Email submission are not accepted. The work must be submitted to ILIAS (even in case of late submissions) • It is done by groups of three students (no exceptions are being made to this point). • The group composition (names) communicated to us by entering them in the corresponding file on ILIAS (folder “Group Work” then click on “Names group work” and enter your names. Deadline for communicating the group composition is week 1. • The choice of the dataset must be definitive by the end of week 2. • NB: it is not possible to have mixed groups composed by repeating and “first attempt” students. • NB: if you fail to submit together as a group, everyone in the group will be penalised.