
TapSearch, a web app to search through your documents easily and faster

Primary LanguagePython


TapSearch is a simple web app that allows you to search through documents. It uses an inverted index to speed up the process of searching.

How it works  

Whenever a new document is inserted, it adds all the words to the inverted index. Whenever a user searches for a word top ten references to that word is returned (top ten are calculated on the basis of how many time that word was encountered in document)

How to use

  • Search: It has already been given text.txt as input, so you can start finding different words in this collection of documents.
  • Delete If you want to insert your own document ONLY, you will first need to remove all the existing ones. Delete functionality will do this for you.
  • Insert: You can also insert your own documents in searchable context through Insert function. More than one document can be inserted by keeping two newlines between them.

How to Build

Clone this project on your system by running, make sure you have python3 and pip installed

Downloads the project

git clone https://github.com/jai-dewani/TapCheif-search-it.git 

Change directory

cd TapCheif-search-it  

Intall all the dependencies

pip requirements.txt 

Start the main server

python app.py