Terminal Resume 💻


Terminal Resume is a elementary terminal emulator using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to display resume in terminal like view.

Link - https://jai-singhal.github.io


  • Customized commands to display various resume sections
  • Cycle through the commands history using up ⬆️ and down ⬇️ arrow keys
  • Command completion using Ctrl + Space or Tab keyboard shortcut
  • Clear console with clear command
  • Download resume with download command
  • Display interactive error message on incorrect command
  • Auto scroll down console with command output.
  • Multiple themes: dark, monokoi, sublime, light, light-dark.


Command Description
about Read more about me
education Read about my qualifications
projects Read some of my amazing projects
experience See my past experience
skills See me skills
contact Find out ways to contact me
download Download my resume
theme Change the theme of the terminal. Available themes: dark, light, monokoi, sublime,light-dark
clear clear the window

Special Thanks

Please checkout another terminal resume from here: https://github.com/kraten/terminal-resume