
Primary LanguagePython

Visual Question answering

Check out official webiste of VisualQA

Download the weight matrix of the 16 layer CNN model. vgg16_weights.h5 and put in src/model/dataset folder. Unable to put it here because of huge size :P

Demo GIF

Demo video

Installation guide

  1. Clone repository

    git clone https://github.com/jai-singhal/visualqa

  2. cd to repository.

  3. Create a virtualenv by following command

    virtualenv -p python3 .

  4. Activate virtualenv

    source bin/activate

  5. Install required packages

    pip3 install -r requirements.txt

    Note that you may find difficulty while installing spacy, this guide is for linux/mac only. For windows users, please download cpp build tools.

    And spacy models. python3 -m spacy download en-core-web-sm==2.0.0

    python3 -m spacy download en-vectors-web-lg==2.1.0

  6. cd to src and run the server

    python3 manage.py runserver