
A Punch clock for debugging Apache Storm. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_clock)

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A Punch clock for debugging Apache Storm. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_clock)


You have a card per person.

The person punches IN with the card when he/she enters the office.

The person punches OUT with the card when he/she leaves the office.

The punch clock records the time of entry/exit on the card

Punch-Clock Motivation

When did the Person enter / exit the office ?

Who is still in office ?


In a Transaction Storm topology,

Spout emits a batch of data(tuples) which forms a transaction. Every Bolt in the topology processes that batch of data (tuples).

Our intent is to debug Storm Transactional Topologies based on the notion that, Apache Storm Tuples go In & Out of Spouts/Bolts.

i.e answer these questions

  1. When did the batch enter/exit the Spout/Bolt ?

  2. Which batch is still in the Spout/Bolt? i.e. are any batches STUCK ?

    On which host are they stuck ?

    In which Spout/Bolt are they stuck ?


Batch of Tuples Punch In and Punch Out in a bolt / spout.




Spouts / Bolts housed in a storm worker jvm, which punch in and out of a punch clock.

Punch In = insert a card into the punch clock

Punch Out = remove a card from the punch clock

One Punch Clock per JVM. All punch cards which are currently punched in are exposed via JMX.

We have multiple JVM ,=> we have multiple Punch Clocks.

Batches move across storm workers & we have multiple JVM, so we need to aggregate the data across Punch Clocks.

We have a aggregator server, we which queries all the jvms using jmx to get the current punch cards and exposed this data via REST.

Refer to storm-samples/Readme & aggregator-server/Readme on how to access the api(s) and a demo.

How does the code look like?

In the emitBatch method of Partitioned Transactional Spout:

 PunchClock.getInstance().punchIn(punchCardId);  // Punch In 

 collector.emit(tuples);  // Emit tuple(s)

 PunchClock.getInstance().punchOut(punchCardId);  // Punch Out

Prepare method of Transactional Bolt:

       punchCardId ="Bolt__"+Thread.currentThread().getId()+"__"+System.currentTimeMillis();  //Create Punch Card for txn 

Execute method of Transactional Bolt:

       PunchClock.getInstance().punchIn(punchCardId);      // Punch In

In the finishBatch method of Transactional Bolt:

       PunchClock.getInstance().punchOut(punchCardId);  // Punch Out

Underlying implementation of Punch In / Out

Punch In:

       map.put(puncheeId, card); //using thread id as part of puncheeId , makes sure there are no conflicts

Punch Out:


Sample Output of GET /PunchCards from the aggregator Server:

Here we have the cards from host and we have a failed host where we could not get cards from.

  "hostSummaryList": [
      "hostUrl": "service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://",
      "cards": [
          "punchInTime": 1452679995953,
          "punchOutTime": -1,
          "puncheeId": "Bolt__10.0.0.66__114__1452679995953"
  "failureHosts": [


Refer to storm-samples/Readme & aggregator-server/Readme on how to access the api(s) and a demo.

PS: if there are no punch cards available anywhere and topology is stuck, then the problem is probably not your bolts/spout.