
Personalised Playlist for YouTube Songs

Primary LanguagePython



  • Develop a RESTful web application using the Python framework Flask

  • Implementing third-party OAuth authentication.

  • Implementing CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations.

How to Run:


Steps to follow up

For an initial set up please follow these 2 steps:

  1. Download or clone the fullstack-nanodegree-vm repository.

  2. Find the catalog folder and replace it with the content of this current repository, by either downloading it or cloning it - Github Link.


Launch the Vagrant VM from inside the vagrant folder with:

vagrant up

vagrant ssh

Then move inside the catalog folder:

cd /vagrant/catalog

Then lift the application:

python app.py

After the last command you are able to browse the application at this URL:


It is important you use localhost instead of inside the URL address. That will prevent OAuth from failing.

Live App: SongCatalog

The current branch contains the version of the app, that uses SQLite3 along with SQLAlchemy. SQLite3 being file based DB can't be used on Platforms lile Heroku thus there is another branch called Production which uses Postgresql along with SQLAlchemy. The changes made in the production branch are in accordance to host the project on a EC2 instance, but now due to some issues with EC2 billing this project is moved to Heroku.