
Bastille template to install and configure the latest stable MariaDB Server with some sane defaults.


MariaDB Server 10.11

Bastille template to install and configure MariaDB Server with some sane defaults.

  • Disables remote access to MySQL and databases.
  • Removes default anonymous users and test databases.
  • Has user configurable MySQL settings in /usr/local/etc/mysql/custom.cnf.


bastille bootstrap https://github.com/jail-templates/mariadb-10.11

Apply template

bastille template $JAIL jail-templates/mariadb-10.11

Connecting to databases

Do note that by default there is no localhost inside non-VNET jails. When creating a MySQL user that can only be accessed from the localhost (e.g. CREATE USER 'wordpress'@'localhost'), use the $JAIL IP address instead (i.e. CREATE USER 'wordpress'@'').


Templates will be maintained until their respective software version is end-of-life. Repositories will then be archived and removed from any meta-templates.

If you have a question, suggestion or find a bug, please let us know via an Issues in the relevant repository or send us an email.


All templates are distributed under the 3-Clause BSD License. See LICENSE in every template repository for more information.