Udacity Self Driving Car - Term 1 - Project 1 - Detect Lane Lines in images and video clips
Objective :
This project attempts to identify lane line(s) infront of a car, over a series of images and video clips.
Pre-Requisite :
- Term1 - starter kit https://github.com/udacity/CarND-Term1-Starter-Kit/blob/master/README.md
I followed the instructions for Docker image ( Mac ) because I preferred to have the same code easily deployable to CPU versus GPU, and Docker allows for that flexibility.
Packages used for pipeline :
Once the above was installed I used the following packages to build the pipeline :
- MatPlotLib.
- NumPy.
- OpenCV.
- MoviePy.
- IPython.
Key File(s) / Folder(s) :
- 'Jai-SDC-Term1-Project1.ipynb' - The Jupyter notebook for the project with Python Code.
- 'writeup.md' - The write up with detailed explanation of the technique utilized.
- test_images_output - contains the processed images from the 'test_images' folder after being processed by my pipeline
- test_videos_output - contains the processed video from the 'test_videos' folder after being processed by my pipeline