
Control Roomba with Amazon Echo. Roomba will sing "Imperial march" and start to clean.

Primary LanguagePython


For controlling Roomba with the Amazon Echo.

After you tell Alexa "turn on startdust destroyer" Roomba will start singing "The imperial march" and start to clean.

For Alexa function see here

For singing Roomba function see here

Quick Start

1. Create a [Python Virtual Environment](http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/)
2. git clone *this_repo*
3. cd *this_repo*
4. pip install -r requirements.txt
4. python example-minimal.py
6. Tell Echo, "discover my devices"
7. Use Echo's "turn on startdust destroyer" and "turn off startdust destroyer" to see script output

Use as library

The main class is create.py which contains everything to talk to the Roomba. To use it write sth like:

import create
import time
robot = create.Create(ROOMBA_PORT)
robot.printSensors() # debug output
wall_fun = robot.senseFunc(create.WALL_SIGNAL) # get a callback for a sensor.
print (wall_fun()) # print a sensor value.
robot.go(0,100) # spin

Instructions for installation and usage available on Instructables here, brought by FabricateIO

Create a on boot deamon

 pi@stardust_destroyer:~/echo $ cat /etc/systemd/system/roomba.service

 Description=Roomba keepalive daemon
 ## make sure we only start the service after network is up

 ## use 'Type=forking' if the service backgrounds itself
 ## other values are Type=simple (default) and Type=oneshot
 ## here we can set custom environment variables
 #ExecStop=/usr/bin/killall -9 python
 ### NOTE: you can have multiple `ExecStop` lines
 # don't use 'nobody' if your script needs to access user files
 # (if User is not set the service will run as root)

 # Useful during debugging; remove it once the service is working
