
A Yahoo Finance data retriever

Primary LanguageGo

yfgo: Yahoo Finance Data Retriever

Retrieves minute stock prices from Yahoo Finance. This project is inspired by yfinance.

Data is saved in a DuckDB file under the directory $HOME/.config/yfgo

In that folder, the user should create a file named list.txt that lists ticker symbols for which data will be retrieved. Write a symbol per line.

To build and install the binary:

cd yfgo/yfgo_update
go build
go install

Make sure to add the $HOME/go/bin to your path.

This program can be scheduled to run periodically using a cron tab, like the below one. That indicates that the app will run every hour between Monday and Friday and 10 and 16 hours.

5 10-16 * * MON-FRI $HOME/go/bin/yfgo_update

Only needed data will be retrieved from Yahoo Finance.

To access the database, you can use any DuckDB interface. For example:

duckdb $HOME/.config/yfgo/data.db

The database contains only one table: history:

SELECT * FROM history LIMIT 10;
│ symbol  │    time    │ … │        high        │       close        │ volume │
│ varchar │   int64    │   │       double       │       double       │ int64  │
│ COIN    │ 1716903000 │ … │ 235.91000366210938 │  235.5850067138672 │ 415371 │
│ COIN    │ 1716903060 │ … │ 238.13999938964844 │ 238.02000427246094 │ 179997 │
│ COIN    │ 1716903120 │ … │ 239.78970336914062 │ 239.70289611816406 │ 178277 │
│ COIN    │ 1716903180 │ … │ 241.25999450683594 │  240.4600067138672 │ 267419 │
│ COIN    │ 1716903240 │ … │ 241.16000366210938 │  237.0800018310547 │ 179495 │
│ COIN    │ 1716903300 │ … │  238.6999969482422 │ 235.58999633789062 │ 145028 │
│ COIN    │ 1716903360 │ … │ 235.92990112304688 │ 231.74000549316406 │ 162318 │
│ COIN    │ 1716903420 │ … │ 233.86500549316406 │ 233.00010681152344 │ 137697 │
│ COIN    │ 1716903480 │ … │                0.0 │                0.0 │      0 │
│ COIN    │ 1716903540 │ … │              233.5 │  233.1649932861328 │ 109542 │
│ 10 rows                                                 7 columns (5 shown) │


  • Yahoo Finance is a registered trademark of Yahoo, Inc.
  • The author and this project are not affiliated, endorsed, or vetted by Yahoo Inc.
  • This app uses Yahoo's publicly available API's.
  • This app is intended for research and educational purposes.