
API Developer recruitment test for roles at JUST EAT

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

JUST EAT Developer Recruitment Test

Thank you for taking the time to do our technical test. It consists of two parts:

  • A coding test
  • A few technical questions

Coding Test

JUST EAT has a public API available at http://api-interview.just-eat.com/ that you can use to get restaurant information, including which restaurants deliver to what areas.

As an example, http://api-interview.just-eat.com/restaurants?q=se19 returns a list of restaurants that deliver to an outcode, including some basic restaurant information (for outcode = se19).

The API requires you specify a set of valid request headers before it'll respond.

	Accept-Tenant: uk
	Accept-Language: en-GB
	Accept-Charset: utf-8
	Authorization: Basic VGVjaFRlc3RBUEk6dXNlcjI=
	Host: api-interview.just-eat.com

The task is to create a command line application using C# and Visual Studio 2012 that accepts a postcode as a parameter. The application should then display the following information about each restaurant that delivers to that postcode.

  • Name
  • Rating
  • Types of food for the restaurant

The restaurants should be ordered from highest rating to lowest rating.

  • We use NUnit and Moq in a lot of our software, references have been added using NuGet Packages. Everything is in place for you to just write the code (no "File > New Project" required).
  • We've enabled [NuGet] package restore, so don't worry about sending us compiled binaries.

Task requirements

  • All stories to be completed with an appropriate level of testing.
  • Feel free to use whatever testing, mocking or stubbing frameworks you prefer, along with any other packages you like.
  • Your code should be of production quality.
  • Clone our git repository locally and work on your solution
  • In order to avoid bounced emails we would like you to submit your results by uploading the relevant zip file to a shared Google Drive folder. Please send an email to tech.recruitment@just-eat.com with your valid Google email address so we can give you the correct upload permissions.

User stories

Story 1 - Accepting command line input

As a user running the command line application
I can supply a valid outcode on the command line
So that I can query the JUST EAT API for results

Acceptance criteria

  • Command line parameter accepted

Story 2 - Querying the API

As an API consumer
I want to query the restaurant API
So that I can output core restaurant details

Acceptance criteria

  • Must provide valid headers
  • For known outcode se19, some results are returned

Story 3 - Outputting results

As a user running the command line application
When I search for a valid outcode
I want restaurant details printed into console window

Acceptance criteria

  • Name, rating and types of food for the restaurant printed into console window

Story 4 - Sorting results

As a user running the command line application
When I output core restaurant details
I want to see restaurants ordered correctly

Acceptance criteria

  • Restaurants ordered and outputted on screen
  • Restaurants ordered highest to lowest

Technical questions

Please answer the following questions in a markdown file called Answers to technical questions.md.

  • Did you have time to complete the coding test? What would you add to your solution if you had more time?
  • What was the most useful feature in your opinion that was added to C# 4? Please include a snippet of code that shows how you've used it.
  • What's your favourite programming language? Why?
  • How would you track down a performance bottleneck in a .NET application? Have you ever had to do this?
  • How would you improve the Just Eat public API found here?: http://www.just-eat.co.uk/webservice/webservices.asmx
  • Please describe yourself using either XML or JSON.

Thanks for your time, we look forward to hearing from you!