
Core registry for mason.nvim.

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Linux macOS Windows Package tests Sponsors


Repository of versioned package definitions for mason.nvim.

Table of Contents

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "NOT RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC2119, and RFC8174 when, and only when, they appear in all capitals, as shown here.

The anatomy of a package

Packages are defined following a well-defined specification. Package definitions are hosted as separate YAML files that MUST be located at packages/<package-name>/package.yaml.

Package sources are identified via a purl-compatible identifier. Each package identifier MUST contain a version component specifying the latest available version. Package versions are automatically kept up-to-date via Renovate.

Package specification

The following is a rough outline of the package definition schema:

  name: string,
  description: string,
  homepage: string,
  licenses: string[],
  languages: string[],
  categories: string[],
  source: {
    id: string,
    [key: string]: any,
  bin?: {
    [executable: string]: string
  share?: {
    [share_location: string]: string
  opt?: {
    [opt_location: string]: string


The package name MUST be unique. The name of a package MUST follow the following naming scheme:

  1. If the upstream package name is sufficiently unambiguous, or otherwise widely recognized, that name MUST be used.
  2. If the upstream package provides a single executable with a name that is sufficiently unambiguous, or otherwise widely recognized, the name of the executable MUST be used.
  3. If either the package or executable name is ambiguous, a name where a clarifying prefix or suffix is added SHOULD be used.
  4. As a last resort, the name of the package should be constructed to best convey its target language and scope, e.g. json-language-server for a JSON language server.


Short description of the package. The description SHOULD be sourced from the upstream package directly.


The homepage of the package. The homepage SHOULD be a public website if available, otherwise it MUST be a URL to the source code.

The URL MUST be a well-formed URL. The URL scheme MUST be either http or https.


List of licenses associated with this package. MUST contain at least one entry.

The license MUST be a SPDX-compatible license identifier. Should the package use a license not available as a SPDX identifier, the license "proprietary" (all lower case) MUST be used.


  • MIT
  • Apache-2.0
  • GPL-3.0-only


The languages the package targets. MAY be empty. A language is an arbitrary string (e.g., "Rust"). The casing of the string MUST be the same as other references to the same language in other package definitions, i.e. it's an error if package A specifies Javascript and package B specifies JavaScript.


The categories the package belongs to. MAY be empty. If not empty, each entry MUST be one of:

  • Compiler
  • DAP
  • Formatter
  • LSP
  • Linter
  • Runtime


The source of the package. The source entry contains all necessary information to properly install the package. At the very minimum it MUST contain an id property. The id property MUST be a purl-compatible package identifier. The purl identifier MUST contain a version component.

The source object MAY contain additional properties to support installation.


  id: pkg:npm/typescript-language-server@2.0.0
  id: pkg:github/rust-lang/rust-analyzer@2022-12-05


The executables the package provides. The key is the canonical name of the executable, and the value is either (i) a relative path to the executable from the package directory, or (ii) an expression that delegates path resolution (e.g., npm:typescript-language-server or cargo:rust-analyzer), or (iii) an expression.

On Unix systems, a symlink is created. On Windows, a wrapper batch .cmd executable is always created.


  typescript-language-server: npm:typescript-language-server
  rust-analyzer: bin/rust-analyzer


The architecture independent files the package provides.

The mapping MUST either (i) link a single target file to a single source file, or (ii) link a target directory to a source directory, or (iii) an expression.

This creates symlinks (uv_fs_symlink) on all platforms.


   # Links $MASON/share/jdtls/lombok.jar -> <package>/lombok.jar
  jdtls/lombok.jar: lombok.jar
   # Links $MASON/share/jdtls/plugins/ -> <package>/plugins/**/* (i.e. all files within the target directory)
  jdtls/plugins/: plugins/


The optional, add-on, contents of a package. This is for example useful in situations when a package provides auxiliary binaries that should not be linked to the "global" Mason bin/ directory.

The mapping MUST either (i) link a single target file to a single source file, or (ii) link a target directory to a source directory, or (iii) an expression.

This creates symlinks (uv_fs_symlink) on all platforms.


  # Links $MASON/opt/solang/llvm15.0/LICENSE -> <package>/doc/LICENSE
  solang/llvm15.0/LICENSE: doc/LICENSE
  # Links $MASON/opt/solang/llvm15.0/ -> <package>/llvm15.0/**/* (i.e. all files within the target directory)
  solang/llvm15.0/: llvm15.0/


When specified, a component of a package definition may include expressions. These expressions can only be used in string values, and are denoted by {{expr}}. This allows for dynamically evaluating values, when needed. Example:

# ...
    id: pkg:github/rust-lang/rust-analyzer@v1.0.0
        - target: darwin_x64
          file: rust-analyzer-darwin_x64_{{ version | strip_prefix "v" }}.tar.gz
          bin: rust-analyzer-darwin_x64
          some_other_bin: rust-fmt-darwin_x64
        - target: linux_x64
          file: rust-analyzer-linux_x64_{{ version | strip_prefix "v" }}.tar.gz
          bin: rust-analyzer-linux_x64
          some_other_bin: rust-fmt-linux_x64

    # This will be evaluated to either "rust-analyzer-darwin_x64" or "rust-analyzer-linux_x64", depending on which
    # platform the package is being installed on.
    rust-analyzer: "{{source.asset.bin}}"
    rustfmt: "{{source.asset.some_other_bin}}"

Expressions use basic Lua syntax with the additional ability to pipe values to a limited set of transformation functions. All expressions are evaluated in a context, where values are accessed through normal variable access.