Web application to execute massive repetitive and analytical actions over the Boomi's metadata, using the Boomi Atomsphere API.
A productivity tool for every Boomi developer/team who wants to do repetitive and booring activities in a automated way. In addition for those who wants go further and analyze meta data about executions, processes status, quality of the integrations developed, etc.
To resolve quickly and automatically questions like:
- What was deployed since Jan 2020?
- Which are the processes built, deployed and/or scheduled for a customer or data provider?
- Why is a process scheduled to run each minute if usually it takes 10 minutes to finish?
- Who is deploying more processes?
- Why do I have to do so many repetitive tasks when I have to offboard a customer.
- Why does the molecule run so slow?
- Why don't the schedules run on time?
- Retrieve the atoms and environments available.
- Retrieve the process list from the Build repository, using filters.
- Retrieve the deployment information of each process, using filters.
- Retrieve the schedule information of each process, using filters.
- Deactivate schedules for the processes found.
- Detach processes from the selected molecule.
- Export the information retrieved on CSV format.
- Analytical module.
- Extensions module.
- Quality code module.
- Sharp and responsive design.
- Validated forms, paginated and ordered tables.
- Easy to deploy and maintain. It is built using Model View Template methodology.
- Doesn’t have any additional cost, as Dell state here, there isn’t any charge for use their API.
- Dell Boomi
- Python
- Django
- SQLite (To improve)
- HTML + CSS (Bootstrap) + JS
- Docker (To implement)
- Sumo Logic (To implement)
Python 3.6:
- Django==2.1.3
- django-tables2==2.2.1
- django-widget-tweaks==1.4.3
- certifi==2019.11.28
- chardet==3.0.4
- idna==2.8
- pytz==2018.7
- requests==2.22.0
- urllib3==1.25.7
You should install and create Python virtual environment
virtualenv venv
Activate the virtual environment
source venv/bin/activate
Then install the requirements file (included on the root folder) executing:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Finally, run the Django server
python3 manage.py runserver <ipaddress>:<port>
- Christian Higa