
Replace text in directories

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Replace text in directories

A command line tool to replace text easily and recursively in directories


python replace.py [-h] [dir] input_file output_file

It replaces the content of input_file with the content of output_file, respecting the indentation level in all the files in dir.

For example, for


self.assertRaises(Error, call, param1, param2)


with self.assertRaises():
    call(param1, param2)

it will replace occurrences of input for output in all files


To Dos

  • More tests
  • Properly packetize it and make a script
  • Use parse (https://github.com/r1chardj0n3s/parse) to allow better control over replacement, it will probably be never super awesome, but will add tons of flexibility
  • Maye unify the input and output files to replace