
Repo with a sample to reproduce an issue on some native module features when building for Release on react-native-windows 0.64

Primary LanguageC++

Issue this repo reproduces:

When building for Release, dispatching a command through UIManager.dispatchViewManagerCommand only calls into native code after the UI updates for some reason:

winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::FrameworkElement winrt::reproducernwreleasebug::implementation::SimpleViewManager::CreateView() noexcept
    auto control = winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::TextBlock();
    control.Text(L"This text hasn't been changed yet.");
    return control;

winrt::Windows::Foundation::Collections::IVectorView<winrt::hstring> winrt::reproducernwreleasebug::implementation::SimpleViewManager::Commands() noexcept
    auto commands = winrt::single_threaded_vector<hstring>();
    return commands.GetView();

void winrt::reproducernwreleasebug::implementation::SimpleViewManager::DispatchCommand(winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::FrameworkElement const& view, winrt::hstring const& commandId, winrt::Microsoft::ReactNative::IJSValueReader const& commandArgsReader) noexcept
    auto commandArgs = winrt::Microsoft::ReactNative::JSValue::ReadArrayFrom(commandArgsReader);
    if (commandId == L"changeText")
        if (auto control = view.try_as<winrt::Windows::UI::Xaml::Controls::TextBlock>())
          <Text>Button to change the RNSimple contents after 1 second. Works on Debug. On Release, it waits for an UI change before sending the command.</Text>
          <Button title="ChangeText" onPress={() => {
            let currentPresses = numberOfPresses;
            setTimeout( () => {
                [ "The button has been pressed " + currentPresses + " times." ]
            }, 2000);
          }} />
          <RNSimple ref={ref => {nativeCompHandle = ReactNative.findNodeHandle(ref)}} style={{flex:1}}/>

How to run

git clone https://github.com/jaimecbernardo/reproduce-rnw64-release-dispatch-command-issue
cd reproduce-rnw64-release-dispatch-command-issue
npx react-native run-windows

Expected behavior on both Debug and Release after clicking the button and waiting 2 seconds:


When building for Release, clicking the button won't change the text after 2 seconds:

npx react-native run-windows --release


The text will only change after doing something that forces the UI to update, like clicking the button again.

How the sample was built

npx react-native init ReproduceRNWReleaseBug --template react-native@^0.64.0
cd ReproduceRNWReleaseBug
npx react-native-windows-init --overwrite

Then the Native Module code was added and App.js was changed to call into it.
This commit has those changes: