
Search Engines Information Retrieval in Practice Winter 2016

Primary LanguageJava

Search Engines Information Retrieval in Practice

Please check the README.md (this file) often for news and announcements.

Join the chat at https://gitter.im/csula/cs454-winter-2016

Quick Start of Project

This is a Gradle Java project. You may start this project by gradle



  • Project has been updated. Please take a look for guidance.



  • A number of students are inquiring about due dates and what not on gitter. So here is a run down of the schedule so that we're all on the same page:

    • Homework 3 (which was due last week has been given an extension) it's now due 3/12/2016 in class demo

    • Homework 4 is due 3/12/2016 -- again in class demo.

    • Both homeworks will require showing collaboration with git log -- this is not optional

    • Programming quiz will be due at last same week as homework 3 and 4 (3/12/2016)

      It will be a 1 minute short demo containing you running two scripts I provided in the week9.md While the prorgram is running, I will be asking you about 2 questions. So be ready to answer them.

  • Project is as we have discussed in class numerous times. To summarize:

    • Your team will demonstrate a complete flow from begin to end
    • Your team will demonstrate 1 or more extra features or things that your team has done that is beyond the (1) crawl, (2) extract, (3), and (4) search interface
    • The project is an in class demo on 3/19/2016 -- this will not be a group demo; like the other homework assignments, you will just demonstrate to the instructors.


  • Homework 4 has been posted. This assignment can be presented with the project on the day of the scheduled final.
  • Next week's quiz will cover today and last week's lecture. Please hit me up on gitter for the password to week7.pdf notes.


  • We will have a quiz tomorrow 2/20/2016 next Saturday 2/27/2016 and it will cover ranking algorithm and indexing.
  • The next homework assignment will be on ranking and indexing -- both assignments will be due on 3/5/2016 in class demonstration.
  • Please note the updated Syllabus.
  • Homework 3 has been posted. This homework is due in class on March 5, 2016.


  • Grading Guideline has been posted. Please take a look at it and post questions to gitter, if you have any.


  • Homework 1 and Homework 2 are up. They are due in class on 2/13/2016. The assignments can be done in team. Please note that Eric and I will ask you individually questions on the assignment so please be prepared to answer questions about the homework.


  • Due to the WEP exam for a few students, our quiz this week will be at the end of class (this week only).
  • The ungraded assignment is up. Enjoy!


Welcome to the first day of class. Here are a few questions students might have about the course:

  • What is the meeting time and location? We will meet every Saturday from 9:10 to 13:00 session at ASCB 132.
  • Will there be a quiz next week? No, the first quiz will be given out the third week of class.
  • What is expected for next week's class? Please make sure that you can get gradle and the development environment fully working.
  • Is the text book required for the course? It does not contain required readings (we will read papers instead). However, it will serve as a good reference for materials we cover in class. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide.

Finally, please register your team before the end of Week 2 here.