
HTML view helpers for Scrivener

Primary LanguageElixir

Scrivener.Html Build Status

Helpers built to work with Scrivener's page struct to easily build HTML output for various CSS frameworks.


Add to mix.exs

  defp deps do
      # ...
      {:scrivener_html, "~> 1.1"}
      # ...

For use with Phoenix.HTML, configure the :routes_helper module in config/config.exs like the following:

config :scrivener_html,
  routes_helper: MyApp.Router.Helpers

Import to your view.

defmodule MyApp.UserView do
  use MyApp.Web, :view
  import Scrivener.HTML

Example Usage

Use in your template.

<%= pagination_links @conn, @page %>

Where @page is a %Scrivener.Page{} struct returned from Repo.paginate/2. So the function in your controller is like:

#  params = %{"page" => _page}
def index(conn, params) do
  users = MyApp.User
          # Other query conditions can be done here
          |> MyApp.Repo.paginate(params)
  render conn, :index, users: users

If your resource has any url parameters to be supplied, you should provide them as the 3rd parameter. For example, given a scope like:

scope "/:locale", App do
  pipe_through [:browser]

  get "/page", PageController, :index

You would need to pass in the :locale parameter and :path option like so:

<%= pagination_links @conn, @page, ["en"], path: &page_path/4 %>

Any additional query string parameters can be passed in as well.

<%= pagination_links @conn, @page, ["en"], some_parameter: "data" %>
<%= pagination_links @conn, @page, some_parameter: "data" %>

Customizing Output

Below are the defaults which are used without passing in any options.

<%= pagination_links @conn, @page, distance: 5, next: ">>", previous: "<<", first: true, last: true, view_style: :bootstrap %>

There are three view styles currently supported:

  • :bootstrap (the default) This styles the pagination links in a manner that is expected by Bootstrap 3.x.
  • :foundation This styles the pagination links in a manner that is expected by Foundation for Sites 6.x.
  • :semantic This styles the pagination links in a manner that is expected by Semantic UI 2.x.

For custom HTML output, see Scrivener.HTML.raw_pagination_links/2.

See Scrivener.HTML.raw_pagination_links/2 for option descriptions.

Scrivener.HTML can be included in your view and then just used with a simple call to pagination_links/1.

iex> Scrivener.HTML.pagination_links(%Scrivener.Page{total_pages: 10, page_number: 5})
    ["<ul class=\"pagination\">",
      [["<li>", ["<a class=\"\" href=\"?page=4\">", "&lt;&lt;", "</a>"], "</li>"],
      ["<li>", ["<a class=\"\" href=\"?page=1\">", "1", "</a>"], "</li>"],
      ["<li>", ["<a class=\"\" href=\"?page=2\">", "2", "</a>"], "</li>"],
      ["<li>", ["<a class=\"\" href=\"?page=3\">", "3", "</a>"], "</li>"],
      ["<li>", ["<a class=\"\" href=\"?page=4\">", "4", "</a>"], "</li>"],
      ["<li>", ["<a class=\"active\" href=\"?page=5\">", "5", "</a>"], "</li>"],
      ["<li>", ["<a class=\"\" href=\"?page=6\">", "6", "</a>"], "</li>"],
      ["<li>", ["<a class=\"\" href=\"?page=7\">", "7", "</a>"], "</li>"],
      ["<li>", ["<a class=\"\" href=\"?page=8\">", "8", "</a>"], "</li>"],
      ["<li>", ["<a class=\"\" href=\"?page=9\">", "9", "</a>"], "</li>"],
      ["<li>", ["<a class=\"\" href=\"?page=10\">", "10", "</a>"], "</li>"],
      ["<li>", ["<a class=\"\" href=\"?page=6\">", "&gt;&gt;", "</a>"], "</li>"]],
      "</ul>"], "</nav>"]}