Todo app

A simple todo app, where you can add, edit and delete todo tasks

Table of Contents

Packages used


  • OnboardingViewController - this is the initial page to be seen when the app is run and user is not yet authenticated.
  • SigninViewController - page consists of email and password field which are needed for signing in.
    • Field Validations:
      • Email field should not be empty.
      • Password field should be at least six in characters.
  • SignupViewController - page where user enters his name, email, password and will be asked to confirm the password for the sign up process.
    • Field Validations:
      • Name field should not be empty and minimum of four characters.
      • Email field should not be empty.
      • Password field should be at least six in characters.
      • Password Confirmation field should match the password field.
  • HomeViewController - page where all tasks are listed. Some actions button are seen also like add, edit and delete feature for the task.
  • TaskFormViewController - page where user can enter details needed for the creation or editing of task.
    • Field Validations:
      • Title field should be at least four in characters.