
This is the client repository to retrieve IETF participation insights

Primary LanguagePython

IETF Insights

NOTE: The server side is running on render and it takes a bit to load for the first request

This is a thin python client to an IETF service that provides information about IETF participation.

❯ python3 ietf-insights.py -H

Attendance per meeting:
 1740.00  ┤
 1696.36  ┤       ╭╮
 1652.73  ┤     ╭╮││
 1609.09  ┤     ││││
 1565.45  ┤     │╰╯│
 1521.82  ┤    ╭╯  ╰
 1478.18  ┤    │
 1434.55  ┤  ╭╮│
 1390.91  ┤  │││
 1347.27  ┤ ╭╯╰╯
 1303.64  ┤╭╯
 1260.00  ┼╯

Attendance per meeting (in tabular format):
| Meeting   |   Attendance |
| ietf108   |         1260 |
| ietf109   |         1286 |
| ietf110   |         1342 |
| ietf111   |         1462 |
| ietf112   |         1354 |
| ietf113   |         1516 |
| ietf114   |         1660 |
| ietf115   |         1599 |
| ietf116   |         1740 |
| ietf117   |         1535 |

Sample Queries

  • This command lists some statistics for a specific IETF meeting: python3 ietf-insights.py -s -m "ietf117"
Total number of unique participants: 1535

────── Attendee distribution of 10 top countries ──────
             % onsite / % remote / % total 
US ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 57.2/29.2/43.3
CN oo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.3/15.0/7.4
DE ooooo~~~~~~~ 5.4/7.7/6.1
GB oooo~~~~~ 4.9/5.4/4.9
CA oooo~~~~ 4.7/4.1/4.2
JP oooo~~~ 4.7/3.6/4.0
FR o~~~ 1.8/3.3/2.3
IN ~~~~ 0.6/4.4/2.1
KR ooo 3.0/0.9/2.0
NL o~ 1.6/1.6/1.5
Other ooooooooooooo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13.8/24.8/22.2
────── ooo Onsite ───── ~~~ Remote ──────

Company statistics:
Attds = Attendees, T. Sess = Total Sessions, U. Grps = Unique Groups, Engmt = Engagement, Fcs = Focus
| Company          |   Attds |   T. Sess |   U. Grps |   Engmt |   Fcs |
| Cisco            |      72 |       475 |       104 | 6.59722 |  1.44 |
| Huawei           |      59 |       363 |        93 | 6.15254 |  1.58 |
| Google           |      46 |       320 |        81 | 6.95652 |  1.76 |
| Apple            |      35 |       249 |        61 | 7.11429 |  1.74 |
| Nokia            |      29 |       169 |        59 | 5.82759 |  2.03 |
| Ericsson         |      21 |       163 |        75 | 7.7619  |  3.57 |
| China mobile     |      19 |       134 |        49 | 7.05263 |  2.58 |
| Meta             |      18 |        99 |        43 | 5.5     |  2.39 |
| Juniper networks |      16 |       114 |        38 | 7.125   |  2.38 |
| Microsoft        |      16 |       121 |        60 | 7.5625  |  3.75 |

Group statistics:
| Most Popular   |   Count | Least Popular   |   Count |
| ietf           |     331 | manet           |      23 |
| anrw           |     285 | bier            |      23 |
| dult           |     177 | cdni            |      22 |
| idr            |     172 | wish            |      20 |
| moq            |     167 | emu             |      20 |
| rtgwg          |     165 | extra           |      19 |
| spring         |     164 | mediaman        |      18 |
| saag           |     161 | calext          |      15 |
| quic           |     151 | nfsv4           |      13 |
| tls            |     150 | gnap            |      12 |

Most active participants (total WG session attendance):
| Name               | Company                                |   Count |
| Peter Koch         | Denic eg                               |      38 |
| Sergey Fomin       | Nokia                                  |      34 |
| Shenchao Xu        | H3c                                    |      28 |
| 岩井 正輝              | Kyushu institute of technology / jpnic |      28 |
| Luis Contreras     | Telefonica                             |      27 |
| Bhavit Shah        |                                        |      26 |
| Satoru Kanno       | Gmo cybersecurity by ierae, inc.       |      26 |
| Michael Richardson | Sandelman software works inc           |      26 |
| Hector Santos      | Santronics software                    |      25 |
| Francois Nguyen    |                                        |      24 |
| Dhruv Dhody        | Huawei                                 |      23 |
| Chi-Jiun Su        | Hughes network systems                 |      23 |
| Jeongseok Son      | Google                                 |      23 |
| David Schinazi     | Google                                 |      22 |
| James Welch        |                                        |      22 |
  • Fetch participants from a specific company or working group at a specific meeting: python3 ietf-insights.py -c "google" -g "dult" -m "ietf117"
| Participant        | Country   | Reg Type   | Affiliation   |
| Bradford Lassey    | US        | Onsite     | Google        |
| Chris Morrow       |           |            | Google        |
| David Morley       | US        | Onsite     | Google        |
| David Schinazi     | US        | Onsite     | Google        |
| Devon O'Brien | US        | Onsite     | Google        |
| Eric Orth          | US        | Remote     | Google        |
| Siddika Polatkan   | US        | Remote     | Google        |
| Tajinder Gadh      | US        | Remote     | Google        |
| Vanessa Reimer     | US        | Onsite     | Google        |
| Warren Kumari      | US        | Onsite     | Google        |
  • Get insights about a participant on a specific meeting: python3 ietf-insights.py -n "John Doe" -m "ietf117" (Don't use John Doe but a real name)
| Participant   | Group    | NumGroups   | Country   | Affiliation   | Reg Type   |
| John Doe      | dtn      | 14          | FI        | Ericsson      | Remote     |
|               | anrw     |             |           |               |            |
|               | rats     |             |           |               |            |
|               | scitt    |             |           |               |            |
|               | dnsop    |             |           |               |            |
|               | dispatch |             |           |               |            |
|               | lake     |             |           |               |            |
|               | core     |             |           |               |            |
|               | irtfopen |             |           |               |            |
|               | ietf     |             |           |               |            |
|               | 6man     |             |           |               |            |
|               | eodir    |             |           |               |            |
|               | httpapi  |             |           |               |            |
|               | rswg     |             |           |               |            |

  • Get historical insights about a participant: python3 ietf-insights.py -H -n "John Doe" (Don't use John Doe but a real name)
John Doe has focused on the Calendaring
Extensions (calext) and JSON Mail Access Protocol
(jmap) working groups. In the Calendaring
Extensions group, he has attended meetings led by
Francesca Palombini and chaired by Bron Gondwana
and Daniel Migault. This group focuses on
extending calendaring capabilities in various
protocols and applications. In the JSON Mail
Access Protocol group, he has attended meetings
led by Murray Kucherawy and chaired by Jim Fenton
and Bron Gondwana. This group is responsible for
defining a protocol for accessing and manipulating
email messages using JSON. John Doe has not
held any specific roles in these groups.

Historical attendance for John Doe:
    9.00  ┤        ╭
    8.36  ┤        │
    7.73  ┼╮       │
    7.09  ┤│       │
    6.45  ┤╰╮      │
    5.82  ┤ │      │
    5.18  ┤ │╭╮╭╮  │
    4.55  ┤ ││╰╯│  │
    3.91  ┤ ││  │  │
    3.27  ┤ ╰╯  ╰╮╭╯
    2.64  ┤      ╰╯
    2.00  ┤

Groups attended by John Doe:
Meeting     108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117
jmap          *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
calext        *   *   *   *   *   *   *           *
dispatch      *   *       *       *   *   *   *    
emailcore         *   *   *   *                    
extra         *   *                               *
sedate                    *   *   *                
dmarc             *                               *
oauth                                         *   *
gnap                                              *
httpapi                                           *
httpapi.txt                                       *
httpbis                                           *


  • -m or --meeting: Specifies the meeting to process. This argument is required when using -s/--stats, -n/--name, -c/--company, or -g/--group.

    Example: python3 ietf-insights.py -g "core" -m "ietf117"

  • -n or --name: Filters the data based on a specific name. This argument requires -m/--meeting.

    Example: python3 ietf-insights.py -n "John Doe" -m "ietf117"

  • -c or --company: Filters the data based on a specific company. This argument requires -m/--meeting.

    Example: python3 ietf-insights.py -c "ericsson" -m "ietf117"

  • -g or --group: Filters the data based on a specific group. This argument requires -m/--meeting.

    Example: python3 ietf-insights.py -g "core" -m "ietf117"

  • -s or --stats: Displays statistics. This argument requires -m/--meeting.

    Example: python3 ietf-insights.py -s -m "ietf117"

  • -H or --historical-stats: Displays historical statistics. Can be used alone or with -n/--name or -g/--group.

    Example: python3 ietf-insights.py -H

  • --country: Filters the data based on a specific country. This argument requires -m/--meeting.

    Example: python3 ietf-insights.py --country "ES" -m "ietf117"

  • --not-attending: Finds non-attending groups for a specific company. This argument requires -m/--meeting.

    Example: python3 ietf-insights.py --not-attending "ACME INC" -m "ietf117"

Please note that the script will raise an error if required arguments are missing or if invalid commands are provided.

Refer to the command line help documentation for more details (-h).

NOTE: This is work in progress and things may break