Parts Manager



This software is a very simple way to manage your (electronic) parts. It supports storage locations and components which are attached to those storage locations. A component entry features multiple specifications like category, datasheet hyperlink, supplier and so on. There's also the feature to have a component countable with a stock value or non countable.


You can use this Software with a LAMP Stack, or much easier Docker. For the Docker way you just need to invoke following Docker command:

docker run -v /my/path/.env:/var/www/html/.env -p 80:80 berkutta/parts_manager

The recommended .env config file looks like following, change mysql credentials to your setup:



After the first run it's recommended to generate a new App Key. Enter the Docker Container Bash console for this and execute the following command:

php artisan key:generate

After the first run you also want to create a username in the database. Enter the Docker Container Bash console for this and enter the laravel tinker console:

php artisan tinker

Execute the following commands within the laravel tinker console. Modify them to your needs.

$user = new App\User();
$user->username = 'username';
$user->password = Hash::make('the-password-of-choice');
$user->name = 'name';
$user->email = '';

If you are also lazy like me I recommend to install watchtower on your system. The watchtower container checks every 5 minutes if a image of a running docker container on your system has a newer image available on docker hub. If there is a new one it downloads and restarts the container: watchtower

Plugin System

There is also a very basic plugin system available. With it it is possible to add custom buttons into the UI and control things like lighting up boxes in your assortement box.

screenshot screenshot


I don't even know if it is a good idea to put this piece of software online. I started creating this software in 2015. As a little explanation, I had no idea on how PHP or even Web technologies work back then. So this piece of software is really just a pile of very bad code.

Beginning 2018 I have started implementing a very basic and at least as bad API to this software. I basically just copied over the Database access code from the main software file and added some mode switching via switch-case statement.

End 2018 I want to pull the Raspberry Pi out of service on which this software is running on. My plan is to still run this software on a Docker Container. Thus I had the chance to improve the software agan a little bit during the process of making this software Docker compatible.

Beginning 2019 I finally started to refactor this whole software to the Laravel PHP Framework. With this refactoring the software is now in a usuable state.