
View last message sigfox sent in a map for heroku & slack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Slackbot Sigfox Localisation


Slackbot to get infos about the last message of a given device


  • Install NodeJS
  • Run $ npm install

##Access credentials

You need to set various env variables to configure this application :

###Server auth This application is using Basic Auth authentication.

Set the following vars to configure accepted login & password


Use some pseudo-random values, generated automatically, using LC_CTYPE=C tr -dc A-Za-z0-9_\(\)-+= < /dev/urandom | head -c 32 for example

###Slack Params The URL path & the Slack token are also set through env vars, so they could be changed easily on a regular basis


###SIGFOX Credentials

You also need to set your SIGFOX API credentials


###Debug To activate the debug logs, set the DEBUG env var to *, or to slackbot-sigfox-last-message:* to get only app-related logs


$ npm start

Then open in your browser http://localhost:34005

##Slack setup

Once your application is deployed online, you need to create a custom integration .

  • Choose Set up a slash command
  • Set your application URL (matching your SLACK_ROUTEenv var)
  • Use the Token value as your SLACK_TOKEN env var
  • Save

Slack configuration