Educational Typing Game

Generic placeholder name

Repository for an educational typing game. In initial design & research


Typing is a practical skill with near ubiquitous importance. The purpose of this game is to provide a free, fun, and educational platform for users to practice and refine their typing skills. These are the 3 central tenents of this game's design.

3 Central Tenents

All game design is derived from the 3 central tenents:

  1. Free
  2. Fun
  3. Educational


This game is designed with the intent to be free and accessible. I acknowledge that a 'free' game is not equivalent to an 'accessible' game as there are practical limitations such as internet and computer access. Game design will aim to circumvent and/or mitigate these limitations, e.g., by providing an offline game mode for those with limited internet access.

Additionally, I expand the term 'accessible' to include game play. The game will include features such as scaffolding game difficulties and a minimal UI for those with less gaming experience.


This game is intended to be fun and engaging :)


This game is intended to be educational and train transferrable, practical skills. When I reflect on my own learning, I conclude that I acquired most of my practical, transferrable skills through games; e.g., decision-making, multi-tasking, and communication. This game intends to provide users with a skill that they will use throughout their lives.


This project is currently in the initial design & research stage. This means that we are:

  • Determining its intended impact
  • Collecting relevant materials
  • Considering its design

PLEASE contribute!