
in this project im using Html Css and JavaScript no js framework or library used only vanilla js used project called 'focus on today APP' logic behind this project is that allows you to create task, read task, edit it, and delete those task. so we will have 3 options to create tasks, read tasks,

Primary LanguageCSS


in this project im using Html Css and JavaScript no js framework or library used only Vanila JavaScript used project called 'focus on today APP' logic behind this project is that allows you to create task, read task, edit it, and delete those task. In our case, we're gonna make a like Todo app, so we will have 3 options to create tasks, read tasks, update tasks, or delete tasks.

that kind js project call CRUD Operations in JavaScript by Building focus on today APP. A simple CRUD application with Javascript.

you can learn How to Create a Simple CRUD Application using only JavaScript

learn modern javascript

  1. Js loop
  2. Js addEventListener
  3. localStorage
  4. callBack Function
  5. Arrow function js

learn Advanced CSS

  1. Media Query for all devices
  2. flex or flex Box
  3. CSS Templates
  4. CSS Height, Width and Max-width
  5. Css Animation