- BlackOrigin27
- bywordsSoongsil University (SSU)
- chandryou
- codingdoctorSeoul
- enthusapp
- eubnara@toss
- fototo
- heeyngparkSeoul, Korea
- hipiphockHanyang University
- huankei
- iamkbpark
- icute1349
- jacobhjkim@settlus
- JaeyeongYang@cenaclesoft
- JeewhanSeoul
- jeongnnaSeoul, South Korea
- jinalee2531San Francisco, CA
- jongheeparkSeoul National Unviersity
- Jueun-ParkLINE+
- kernelgardenAmong
- kwanghoonkimSupergene
- LeebongguMoin
- mkim0710
- mwasa
- nacyot당근마켓(Karrot)
- nillk
- nukahn
- partritaBiomega
- rhee
- rhee-airilab
- seongjoojin@musina
- shanmdphdCollege of Medicine, Catholic University of Korea
- slang1998
- yongbinSilex
- youngwookimSK Telecom
- zzszaSeoul, republic of korea