A one stop solution for checking and notifying you about all the upcoming contests in the next day.
It fetches all the upcoming contest details from the clist.by api and sends you chrome notifications when the contest starts. It fetches details of contest day by day. currently the time is in IST only.
The clist.by api is used to fetch the details about the upcoming and ongoing competitive programming contests on various CP platforms like codechef, codeforces, leetcode, atcoder, spoj, projecteuler, hackerearth, hackerrank, etc.
So Here we fetch the details of the CP contest in upcoming 24 hours and details include contest site, name, starting time and ending time
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Nodejs, Express.js, Moment.js
Extension providing the details of contest in upcoming 24 hours
Dark Mode:
Light Mode:
Chrome Notifications
cd backend
npm install
npm run start
Note: you don;t need to run the backend server it is already up and running on my repl, just fetch the data from it
- Open extensions tab in Chrome, turn developer mode on
- Select
, then select the extension folder in dialog box - Good to go
I learnt about chrome notifications, alarms, manifiest.json, Chrome Security Policy, resolving cors errors(yeah always a tough one)
- The backend server was needed because of the CORS, you need to make a fetch request from a server to fetch data from clist.by website, you can't make a request from frontend directly it sends you an error so i need to create a server and it is running on a repl.
GNU General Public License Version 3
If you find any bug, or wish to add more features feel free to contribute to the project