
This is a Basic Group Chat Application where users joins in a room where they can chat. It has a unique feature where every person in the room can view who all are present in the room and the users can even share their live location.

How to Run It

Do the following Steps to Run it on your Browser Locally

  • Clone the Repository using Git Clone
  • Open the Terminal in the Cloned Directory
  • Run the command "npm install"
  • After Installation of all the packages run the following command "npm run dev"
  • Open a browser window and type "localhost:3000" and enter the details
  • Open another Window and again type "localhost:3000" and enter the same room number as in the First Window and both the windows are treated as seprate devices and connected to Server

Libraries Used

  • Sockets For Connecting Users to the Web Server
  • Mustache For rendering HTML pages from client side JavaScript