
It is an portal for email management at our server. It fetches email from your email client and show on your dashboard. You can also send email from the same portal.


NOTE It is not supported on ruby 2.5.x due to this.

Ruby version: 2.4.4 Rails version: 5.2.0

It is recommended to install ruby using RVM.

How to run

Clone the project.

git clone

Then move to project using

cd emailPortal

To install all dependencies use

bundle install

Run sidekiq as a separate process

bundle exec sidekiq

and finally run main server on another terminal as

bin/rails server


  1. Reply to same thread using in-reply: in header.
  2. Get unread information from email client.
  3. Support for attachments.
  4. Support for html_body.
  5. Exception Handling.
  6. Proper job queue management.
  7. Password Encryption Fix.


Aman Jain (jainaman224)