
Mobile App for iAPI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ionic AWS Starter

This Ionic starter comes with a pre-configured AWS Mobile Hub project set up to use Amazon DynamoDB, S3, Pinpoint, and Cognito.

Using the Starter

Installing Ionic CLI 3.0

This starter project requires Ionic CLI 3.0, to install, run

npm install -g ionic@latest

Make sure to add sudo on Mac and Linux. If you encounter issues installing the Ionic 3 CLI, uninstall the old one using npm uninstall -g ionic first.

Installing AWSMobile CLI

npm install -g awsmobile-cli

Creating the Ionic Project

To create a new Ionic project using this AWS Mobile Hub starter, run

ionic start myApp aws

Which will create a new app in ./myApp.

Once the app is created, cd into it:

cd myApp

Creating AWS Mobile Hub Project

Init AWSMobile project

awsmobile init

Please tell us about your project:
? Where is your project's source directory:  src
? Where is your project's distribution directory that stores build artifacts:  dist
? What is your project's build command:  npm run-script build
? What is your project's start command for local test run:  ionic serve

? What awsmobile project name would you like to use:  ...

Successfully created AWS Mobile Hub project: ...

Enable user-signin and database features

awsmobile features

? select features:
 ◉ user-signin
 ◉ user-files
 ◯ cloud-api
❯◉ database
 ◉ analytics
 ◉ hosting

Configure database, create a table with name tasks

awsmobile database configure

? Select from one of the choices below. Create a new table

Welcome to NoSQL database wizard
You will be asked a series of questions to help determine how to best construct your NoSQL database table.

? Should the data of this table be open or restricted by user? Open
? Table name tasks

 You can now add columns to the table.

? What would you like to name this column taskId
? Choose the data type string
? Would you like to add another column Yes
? What would you like to name this column userId
? Choose the data type string
? Would you like to add another column Yes
? What would you like to name this column category
? Choose the data type string
? Would you like to add another column Yes
? What would you like to name this column description
? Choose the data type string
? Would you like to add another column Yes
? What would you like to name this column created
? Choose the data type number
? Would you like to add another column No

... /* primary and sort key */

? Select primary key userId
? Select sort key taskId

... /* index */

? Add index Yes
? Index name DateSorted
? Select partition key userId
? Select sort key created
? Add index No
Table tasks saved

Finally push the changes to server side

awsmobile push

Running the app

Now the app is configured and wired up to the AWS Mobile Hub and AWS services. To run the app in the browser, run

ionic serve

To run the app on device, first add a platform, and then run it:

ionic cordova platform add ios
ionic cordova run ios

Or open the platform-specific project in the relevant IDE:

open platforms/ios/MyApp.xcodeproj

Hosting app on Amazon S3

Since your Ionic app is just a web app, it can be hosted as a static website in an Amazon S3 bucket.

npm run build
awsmobile publish