
Steps To Run

  • Clone Repository
  • Run Programs in IDE of your choice

Doctors Without Borders


Doctors Without Borders program matches graduates to the country that they would be best suited to contribute in based on their skills, preferred language, and fluency. Graduates are then ranked in the order from best suited to least suited.

Program Instructions

  • Enter the country that you'd like to see graduates from. The country must be on the list shown.
  • The program will display ranked graduates from best suited to least suited based on their language fluency for that country


What does it do?

  • See the original version of what you wanted to type
  • Allows you to pick what your “keyword” is Gives you the message that you wanted post Encryption/Decryption, the keyword you chose, and the original decoded message
  • Who is it for?

  • Anyone who would want to make a little secret message or wants to unravel a secret message Almost any age and gender, has a wide audience of people who would want to use
  • How does it do it? (Non-descript version)

  • Through a series of simple questions asked to the user Simple to follow instructions with notes on what the user can input
  • Limitations

  • Need a computer of some sort can be relatively simple however Unable to process non capital letters or symbols (can be easily remedied with additions to code)User must be capable of speaking English (can be fixed with some minor tweaking to output) Keyword must be shorter than message itself