Grafana Prometheus Node-Exporter cAdvisor - Docker Monitoring Stack
Boot the stack with docker compose (or make up
docker-compose up -d
Ensure all containers are running:
docker-compose ps
The output should looke like this:
Name Command State Ports
cadvisor /usr/bin/cadvisor -logtostderr Up (healthy) 8080/tcp
grafana / Up>3000/tcp
node-exporter /bin/node_exporter --path. ... Up 9100/tcp
prometheus /bin/prometheus --config.f ... Up>9090/tcp
alertmanager /bin/alertmanager --config ... Up>9093/tcp
Access grafana on Grafana Home (or make open
) and you should see the two dashboards that was provisioned:
Once you select the nodes dashboard, it should look something like this:
When you select "Alerting" and "Alert rules" you will find the recording and alerting rules:
We can expand the alerting rules:
And then we can view more detail on a alert rule:
And for our container metrics we can access the Container Metrics dashboard:
The following endpoints are available:
Container | Internal Endpoint | External Endpoint |
Grafana | http://grafana:3000 | http://localhost:3000 |
Prometheus | http://prometheus:9090 | http://localhost:9090 |
Node-Exporter | http://node-exporter:9100 | http://localhost:9100 |
cAdvisor | http://cadvisor:8080 | N/A |
Alertmanager | http://alertmanager:9093 | http://localhost:9093 |
To remove the containers using docker compose (or make clean
docker-compose down
Heavily inspired from this exporter guide