Python bindings for chdkptp via an embedded, thread-safe Lua runtime (thanks to Stefan Behnel's lupa).
- C compiler
- Lua 5.2, with headers
- libusb, with headers
- lupa, installed with the --no-luajit flag
Currently only works when the lupa
package is linked to
Lua. However, by default the package links to LuaJIT, so make sure that
you install it with the --no-luajit flag.
It is best to do this via pip, before you install
$ pip install lupa --install-option='--no-luajit'
Please refer to the API documentation on
Currently, only manual installation is fully functional. For other ways to install this package see
I highly suggest to create a virtual env before installing the package(this will avoid permission errors):
$ python3 -m venv ~/.virtualenvs/chdkptp
Activate the environment:
$ source ~/.virtualenvs/chdkptp/bin/activate
To leave the virtual env just run:
$ deactivate
Now clone the repo with all the submodules:
$ git clone --recursive -j8
Get into the repo:
$ cd
Install lupa dependency:
$ pip install lupa --install-option='--no-luajit'
Install other dependencies:
$ pip install six
Prepare the package with the python3 distutils command:
$ python sdist
And finally install the package:
$ python install
Now you can use chdkptp simply running:
>>> import chdkptp >>> chdkptp.list_devices() [] >>>
NOTE: if you installed the package and you are inside the repo dir and try to import chdkptp, it will probably throw an error because python is loading the local dir module not the installed one.
This package was developed by @jbaiter and updated by @5up3rD4n1