
💶 User facing application for the Wikimedia Deutschland fundraising

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

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User facing application for the Wikimedia Deutschland fundraising.


For development you need to have Docker and docker-compose installed. You need at least Docker Version >= 17.09.0 and docker-compose version >= 1.17.0. If your OS does not come with the right version, please use the official installation instructions for Docker and docker-compose. You don't need to install other dependencies (PHP, Node.js, MySQL) on your machine.

Get a clone of our git repository and then run:

make setup

This will

  • Install PHP and Node.js dependencies
  • Copy a basic configuration file. See section Configuration for more details on the configuration.
  • (Re-)Create the database structure and generate the Doctrine Proxy classes
  • Build the assets & JavaScript

Node Sass Errors on OSX/Windows

When trying to build you might see an error like:

Node Sass could not find a binding for your current environment: Linux 64-bit with Node.js 12.x

Found bindings for the following environments:
  - OS X 64-bit with Node.js 13.x

This is caused by installing npm packages from outside the container, because it then sets up node sass for your machine rather than inside the container. To fix it do the following:

  1. Log into the container: $ docker-compose exec skin_laika bash
  2. Delete the node_modules folder: $ rm -rf node_modules
  3. Reinstall the packages: $ npm install

Running the application

docker-compose up

The application can now be reached at http://localhost:8082/index.php, debug info will be shown in your CLI.


The web and CLI entry points of the application check for the APP_ENV environment variable. If it not set, the application assumes the value dev. Each environment must have a corresponding configuration file in app/config, following the name pattern of config.ENVIRONMENTNAME.json. See the section "Running in different environments" below to see how to set APP_ENV.

You can add local modifications by adding a file that follows the name pattern of config.ENVIRONMENTNAME.local.json.

The application merges the values from the configuration files with the default values from the file app/config/config.dist.json.

Create local test configuration to speed up tests

To speed up the tests when running them locally, use SQLite instead of the default MySQL. This can be done by adding the file app/config/config.test.local.json with the following content:

    "db": {
        "driver": "pdo_sqlite",
        "memory": true


For a fully working instance with all payment types and working templates you need to fill out the following configuration data:



The application needs a copy of the content repository at https://github.com/wmde/fundraising-frontend-content to work properly. In development the content repository is a composer dev-dependency. If you want to put the content repository in another place, you need to configure the i18n-base-path to point to it. The following example shows the configuration when the content repository is at the same level as the application directory:

"i18n-base-path": "../fundraising-frontend-content/i18n"

A/B test campaigns.

For more information om how to set up the campaigns see "How to Create an A/B Test.

The campaign definitions are in the app/config directory. You can tell the application which files to use by editing the campaigns value in app/config/config.ENVIRONMENTNAME.json. The campaign configuration files will be merged on top of each other.

Running in different environments

By default, the configuration environment is dev and the configuration file is config.dev.json. If you want to change that, you have to pass the environment variable to make, docker and docker-compose commands.

make ci APP_ENV=prod

For docker-compose you can either put create a file called .env in the application directory and, with the contents of


Alternatively, or if you want to override the defaults in the .env file, you set the variable in your shell like this:

export APP_ENV=prod

If you run a single docker container, you can pass the variable with the -e flag:

docker run -e APP_ENV=prod php some_script.php

Valid environment names are

  • dev - development environment, mostly for local development
  • test - unit testing environment
  • uat - user acceptance testing
  • prod - production

Note: PHPUnit tests are always run in the test environment configuration, regardless of APP_ENV!

Running the tests

Full CI run

make ci

If you want to run all the CI tasks in parallel, without ticking progress bars from commands that support it, run the following command instead:

make -j --output-sync ci DOCKER_FLAGS="" 

For tests only

make test
docker run -it --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/app -w /app node:8 npm run test

For style checks only

make cs
docker run -it --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):/app -w /app node:8 npm run cs

For one context only

make phpunit TEST_DIR=contexts/PaymentContext


Static code analysis is performed via phpstan during runs of make ci.

In the absence of dev-dependencies (i.e. to simulate the vendor/ code on production) it can be done via

docker build -t wmde/fundraising-frontend-phpstan build/phpstan
docker run -v $PWD:/app --rm wmde/fundraising-frontend-phpstan analyse -c phpstan.neon --level 1 --no-progress cli/ contexts/ src/

These tasks are also performed during the travis runs.


All emails sent by the application can be inspected via mailhog at http://localhost:8025/


Database migrations

Out of the box, the database should be in a usable state for local development. If you make changes to the database schema, you must provide a migration script for the production database. Store the migration scripts in the migrations directory of the bounded context where you made the changes.

To test you migration in your Docker development environment, update the bounded context dependency in composer and run the make migration MIGRATION_CONTEXT=<CTX> command. Replace the placeholder <CTX> with the name of of the configuration file in app/config/migrations (without the .yml suffix).

To execute a specific script, run the following command and add the version number of the migration script you want to use. As an example, executing migrations/Version20180612000000.php for the subscription context would look like this:

make migration-execute MIGRATION_CONTEXT=subscriptions MIGRATION_VERSION=20180612000000

You can also revert a script (if implemented) through an equivalent migration-revert command:

make migration-revert  MIGRATION_CONTEXT=subscriptions MIGRATION_VERSION=20180612000000

Note that Doctrine creates its own doctrine_migration_versions table where it stores the status of individual migrations. If you run into issues and want to reset the state of a migrations it's best to check that table directly or use the versions command from doctrine-migrations which supports --add and --delete parameters:

vendor/doctrine/migrations/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:version

Have a look the the deployment documentation on how to run the migrations on the server.

Note: If you're getting errors that the a configuration file was nor found, make sure to set APP_ENV to the right value. See section "Running in different environments" in this document.

Accessing the database from a Docker image

The database container of the Docker development environment is not exposed to the outside. If you want to connect to the default fundraising frontend database using the MySQL command line client, you need first to find out the Docker network name where the database is running in. With the command

docker network ls

you can list all networks. There will be one network name ending in fundraising_proxy (the prefix is probably the directory name where you checked out this repository).

Next up is finding out the full name of the database container with the command

docker ps

The database container will be the one ending in _database_1. The prefix is probably the directory name where you checked out this repository.

Copy the full network name and container name and use them instead of the placeholders __CONTAINER_NAME__ and __NETWORK_NAME__ in the following command to run the MySQL command line client:

docker run -it --link __CONTAINER_NAME__:mysql --net __NETWORK_NAME__ --rm mysql:5.6 \
    sh -c 'exec mysql -h database -P 3306 -u fundraising -p"INSECURE PASSWORD" fundraising'

To use PHPMyAdmin, use the following command to run it on port 8099:

docker run -it --link __CONTAINER_NAME__:db --net __NETWORK_NAME__ -p 8099:80 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin

Accessing the database from your host machine

If you want to expose the port of the database on your guest host (localhost), for example for using a GUI client, you need to create an "override" file for docker-compose.yml. Example file, called docker-compose.db.yml:

version: '3'

            - "3306:3306"

You then start the environment with the following command:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.db.yml up

You will be prompted for a password which you can grab from config/config.prod.json.

Resetting the database in your local environment

To completely delete the database data you need to delete the volume db-storage defined in docker-compose.yml. To allow the deletion, you must shut down all containers and images using the volume.

docker-compose down
docker-compose rm

List all volumes with

docker volume ls

Look for a volume ending in db-storage and with a prefix of the directory of the FundraisingFrontend, e.g. FundraisingFrontend_db-storage or fundraising-frontend_db-storage. Copy the name and use it in the next command:

docker volume rm VOLUME_NAME

Finally, rebuild the database structure:

make setup-db

Frontend development

For a full JS CI run

make ci

If JavaScript or CSS files where changed, you will need to (re)run

make js

Actions and their resulting state will be logged.

Automatic recompilation of assets during development (Laika)

If you are working on the JavaScript files of the Laika skin and need automatic recompilation when a file changes, add the following setting to your config.dev.json file:

"assets-path": "http://localhost:7072" 


If skin assets where changed, you will need to run

make ui

Updating the dependencies

To update all the PHP dependencies, run

make update-php

For updating an individual package, use the command line

docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/app -v ~/.composer:/composer -u $(id -u):$(id -g) composer update --ignore-platform-reqs PACKAGE_NAME

and replace the PACKAGE_NAME placeholder with the name of your package.

To update the skins, run

make update-js 


For an in-depth documentation how deployment on a server is done, see the deployment documentation.


This is not working at the moment.

(When accessing the API via web/index.dev.php, profiling information will be generated and in app/cache/profiler. You can access the profiler UI via index.dev.php/_profiler.)

Project structure

This app and its used Bounded Contexts follow the architecture rules outlined in Clean Architecture + Bounded Contexts.

Architecture diagram

Used Bounded Contexts:

Production code layout

  • src/: framework agnostic code not belonging to any Bounded Context
    • Factories/: application factories used by the framework, including top level factory FFFactory
    • Presentation/: presentation code, including the Presenters/
    • Validation/: validation code
  • vendor/wmde/$ContextName/src/ framework agnostic code belonging to a specific Bounded Context
    • Domain/: domain model and domain services
    • UseCases/: one directory per use case
    • DataAccess/: implementations of services that binds to database, network, etc
    • Infrastructure/: implementations of services binding to cross cutting concerns, ie logging
  • web/: web accessible code
    • index.php: production entry point
  • app/: contains configuration and all framework (Silex) dependent code
    • bootstrap.php: framework application bootstrap (used by System tests)
    • routes.php: defines the routes and their handlers
    • RouteHandlers/: route handlers that get benefit from having their own class are placed here
    • config/: configuration files
      • config.dist.json: default configuration
      • config.test.json: configuration used by integration and system tests (gets merged into default config)
      • config.test.local.json: instance specific (gitignored) test config (gets merged into config.test.json)
      • config.development.json: instance specific (gitignored) production configuration (gets merged into default config)
    • js/lib: Javascript modules, will be compiled into one file for the frontend.
    • js/test: Unit tests for the JavaScript modules
  • var/: Ephemeral application data
    • log/: Log files (in debug mode, every request creates a log file)
    • cache/: Cache directory for Twig templates

Test code layout

The test directory structure (and namespace structure) mirrors the production code. Tests for code in src/ can be found in tests/.

Tests are categorized by their type. To run only tests of a given type, you can use one of the testsuites defined in phpunit.xml.dist.

  • Unit/: small isolated tests (one class or a small number of related classes)
  • Integration/: tests combining several units
  • EdgeToEdge/: edge-to-edge tests (fake HTTP requests to the framework)
  • System/: tests involving outside systems (ie, beyond our PHP app and database)
  • Fixtures/: test doubles (stubs, spies and mocks)

If you need access to the application in your non-unit tests, for instance to interact with persistence, you should use TestEnvironment defined in tests/TestEnvironment.php.

Test type restrictions

Network Framework (Silex) Top level factory Database and disk
Unit No No No No
Integration No No Discouraged Yes
EdgeToEdge No Yes Yes Yes
System Yes Yes Yes Yes

Other directories

  • deployment/: Ansible scripts and configuration for deploying the application
  • build/: Configuration and Dockerfiles for the development environment and Travis CI

See also