Custom - Object - Detectiom


For the custom images, i have used rubic cube as my custom object. The images are present here.

Traing-Test split

Use this script to split and make train.txt and test.txt. I have put random 10% of data for test.

NOTE : train.txt and test.txt is already provided for my dataset.


I have used labelImg to create the desired bounding box, it saves the bounding boxes as xml file. But YOLO model has the following format for bounding boxes

<object class> <x-center> <y-center> <width> <height>

To convert the xml files into desired .txt file, one can use this.


I have used forked version of darknet for the training purpose.

  1. Download the pre-trained model.
  2. Create .data file as :
   classes = 1
   train  = <path to train.txt> 
   valid  = <path to test.txt>
   names = <path to object.names>
   backup = <path to save weights>

Here, Classes : The number of classes we wan to detect(1 in my case). names : names of the class saved as .names

  1. Edit the YOLO configuration file as per your hardware capability.

     a. [net]
        # Testing
        batch=64  (number of images to be used per batch)
        subdivisions=8 (used to create mini batch : 64//8 in my case)
     b. learning_rate=0.001
        burn_in=150 (to control training speed for 150 batches in my case)
        max_batches = 30000 ( maximun number batched to feed in network)
        policy=steps (to control how the leaning rate will decrease)
        steps=3500,16500 (at what steps the learning rate will decrease)
        scales=.1,.1 (with what rate the learning rate will decrease on mentioned steps).
     c. Data augmentation :
        saturation = 1.5
        exposure = 1.5
  2. Use the following command to train the netwrok.

./darknet detector train  yolov3-tiny.cfg ./darknet53.conv.74 > train_log.txt 
  • To monitor loss you can use
grep "avg" train_log.tx


To test the model use :

./darknet detector test <> <yolov3-tiniy-test.cfg> ./<yolov3 weights>

NOTE : I ahve provided my trained weights



You can find more in results directory.