SearchRank Analyzer: Webpage Position Tracker

This application is designed to retrieve search engine results and determine the rank of a specific URL within those search results. If the rank is identified, it will be saved in the MSSQL server for historical records.
Note: The records will be stored only if the Ranks are found.


The API is built using .Net 7.0, EF Core, LINQ operations, and Repositories for robust functionality.


  1. Fetch the User Agent and store it in the 'Agent' variable in the 'SearchRepoImplement.cs'file under Repositories.
  2. Set your local server name as the value for 'Server=' in the 'ConnectionStrings' section of the 'appsettings.json' file.
  3. Install the below:
    1. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
    2. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
    3. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools
  4. This utilizes Microsoft SQL Server. Run "update-database" to create the database, which also creates 2 items in the "SearchEngine" table.
  5. Run the application and test on Swagger.


The front end of the same is built using Angular, TypeScript, RxJS, and Bootstrap. Validations are not handled in the front-end as of now as it is handled in the API.


  1. Run 'npm install' to install the project dependencies.
  2. Run 'ng serve' to run the application.
  3. URLs:
    1. /search: To search for an item.
    2. /history: To view the search history of previous queries.

API-SPA Configuration:

  1. Make sure the API is running at 'localhost:7056'. If not, update the URL in the 'rank.service.ts' file under the 'app' folder under the 'src' of the Angular application.
  2. If the Angular application is not running at 'localhost:4200', make the required changes in the 'Program.cs' file of the API.

****** SCREENSHOTS********

  1. Search Page: BasicWithURL

  2. Bing Search: Bing

  3. Google Search: Google

  4. Successful search with Ranks found: Success

  5. Successful search with no Ranks found: NoRank

  6. Invalid Input given: Invalid

  7. History of searches: History

  8. Filter by Search in History: SearchHistory

Thank you! Feel free to reach out to me in case of any issues!