roslaunch rabbitamr_control spawn.launch
roslaunch rabbitamr_control teleop.launch
Packages' description :
hardware_interface implementation.
Start the real robot by
Check the status of the software & hardware components.
Rosbridge connection
Differential drive simulation
Customized teleop
Robot’s urdf design
Connect with Rosbridge and launch the website server, this way it’s possible to connect with the robot from any device.
Different worlds
Start the robot in gazebo
Action server to define a landmark.
Special msg files
Contains map, config and launch files to run navigation algorithms
Contains config and launch files for mapping with the cartographer algorithm
Shows the robot virtually
gazebo_ros_control is used instead of ros_control.
temporary different test packages
Displaying different information in RVIZ according to different situations
Create a new file under ~catkin_ws/ called
Paste in the following :
- git: {local-name: src/aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world, uri: '', version: master}
Install by running :
rosws update
rosdep install --from-paths . --ignore-src -r -y