- 3
- 0
Security Best Practices
#149 opened - 1
Timer schedule increment value 0
#148 opened by chengfang - 0
Upgrade jakarta.transaction-api from 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
#147 opened by chengfang - 0
- 0
Add simple fixed rate support in Schedule
#144 opened by hantsy - 0
Add cron expression support in Schedule
#143 opened by hantsy - 0
Allow Schedule attributes loaded from Jakarta Config
#142 opened by hantsy - 1
Compatibility certification request for Eclipse Glassfish 6.0 for Enterprise Beans 4.0 (part of Jakarta EE 9)
#136 opened by jeanouii - 0
[spec] Broken links in Specification documents
#139 opened by hussainnm - 2
[TCK] EJB 3.2 timers issue with endDate
#137 opened by jeanouii - 4
[TCK] Read-only naming context and close()
#138 opened by jeanouii - 10
4.0.0 Release finalization steps
#133 opened by starksm64 - 4
4.0.0 EJB Staging duplicate
#135 opened by senivam - 0
Create Contribution Questionnaire for 4.0.0
#132 opened by hussainnm - 10
Deliver Jakarta Enterprise Beans Specification Version update for Jakarta EE 9
#62 opened by kwsutter - 1
Update signature tests for repeatable @Schedule
#122 opened by jeanouii - 7
- 0
Add tests for repeatable @Schedule
#123 opened by jeanouii - 0
Removal of methods relying on Jakarta XML RPC
#110 opened by hussainnm - 0
Compatibility and Migration
#111 opened by hussainnm - 0
Interop tests have been pruned in Jakarta EE 9 CTS
#115 opened by gurunrao - 1
- 0
Extend EJB and Standardized EJB Client Api
#113 opened by gergelymolnarpro - 0
- 1
Update EFSL for Specifications and Javadoc
#108 opened by kwsutter - 19
- 2
'master' branch should always point to SNAPSHOT
#101 opened by hussainnm - 0
- 0
Add java.time support to EJB Timer
#95 opened by thatsIch - 1
Prepare for next release 4.0.0-RC2
#82 opened by hussainnm - 5
Remove `javax.transaction` in MANIFEST.MF
#80 opened by hussainnm - 1
- 5
- 4
- 2
Merge (original) EJB Specification source
#63 opened by kwsutter - 0
- 2
Update Eclipse GlassFish
#54 opened by m0mus - 5
- 2
Jakarta EE 8 TCK job
#39 opened by m0mus - 1
- 2
- 0
Built in permission check, client side
#40 opened by gergelymolnarpro - 3
Public Release
#33 opened by m0mus - 1
- 1
Integrate to GlassFish
#25 opened by m0mus - 2
Start a Release Review
#24 opened by m0mus - 1
Release to OSSRH staging repository
#17 opened by m0mus - 2
Release CI/CD pipeline
#9 opened by m0mus - 0
Change Maven coordinates
#10 opened by m0mus