Homework0 Name : 魏凱亞 ID:105062504

Brief self-introduction [max 500 words]

Hi, my name is 魏凱亞、Jack. I'm one of the students of Prof.Chiou-Ting Hsu in CS department. This is the first year of my mastership. Recently,I started reading papers about computer vision, especially in object detection and cross-domain visual recognition. I found it very interesting in the evolution of approaches in object detection. I had lots of fun reading the papers and trying to micmic the thoughts or understand the concept/perspective why the authors would propose such a method.

Why Computer Vision? [max 500 words]

I'm interesting in image processing and computer vision. Two years ago, I took the class "Image procssing". Each topic in this course is so fasinating to me that I decided to dig more deeper in this field. So I chose to enter MPlab and started my mastership in Prof.Chiou-Ting Hsu's instruct. I also want to apply the knowledge I learn into real life. This is the main purpose I took this course.

What do you want to achieve in the course? [ max 500 words]

I want to learn more about visions, and apply the things I learned to real world.By using the knowledge Learned in class, I can do things like photographing, photo editing, computer visual recognition even more better, and having more fun.