
This repository is intended to demonstrate the feasibility of using Prolog to implement business logic in the oddly-specific use case of AWS microservice architecture with GitLab pipelines for continuous deployment.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This repository is intended to demonstrate the feasibility of using Prolog to implement business logic in the oddly-specific use case of AWS microservice architecture with GitLab pipelines for continuous deployment.

Working with this repository

All commands for this repository are run through the package manager Yarn. To get started, run yarn install.


See package.json for current commands.

  • yarn lint - Runs eslint for the project
  • yarn build - Runs a complete build for the project (including docs and dist)
  • yarn build:docs - Runs apidoc to generate html documentation in the /docs folder
  • yarn build:transpile - Runs babel to compile es6 to node8 in the /dist folder
  • yarn test - Runs mocha to run the automated tests for this repository
  • yarn test:health - Runs mocha to run the automated tests for the health of remote deployed version on AWS (see health/)
  • yarn deploy - Runs yarn deploy:update to update the lambda code on AWS
  • yarn deploy:create - Runs claudia to create the lambda on AWS; this only ever needs to be run once in the lifetime of the project (unless you delete them lambda and role)
  • yarn deploy:update - Runs claudia to update the lambda code on AWS

Pipeline Stages

  • Build - Build, Test, and Lint lamda to ensure it's deploy-ready. This stage deploys documentation using GitLab pages. (run on every commit)
  • Deploy - Deploy the lambda to AWS using claudia (only runs on master)
  • Health - Ensure that the lambda is running properly on AWS (only runs on master)

A note about the health check: the health check is intended only to be a small 1-2 check test that verifies the lambda is running on AWS. The build should fail if it took down the endpoint.


This repository depends on the pipeline variable $AWS_CREDENTIALS. This should be a string in the same format as a typical AWS credential file from ~/.aws/credentials. This must be configured in Pipelines for the deploy feature to work.


aws_access_key_id={{get this from management console}}
aws_secret_access_key={{get this from management console}}

This repository also depends on the pipeline variable $SSH_PRIVATE_KEY. This should be an SSH key with read access any private library code, so that the build process can clone it from GitLab.


...you get the idea