
An AWS lambda function for pushing changes to an S3 bucket (unzipped)

Primary LanguagePython

Lambda function for deploying static sites to S3/CloudFront on checkin to CodeCommit


The purpose of this Lambda function is to be triggered by updates to an AWS CodeCommit repository holding files for a static website, to copy all changed files to a target S3 bucket, and potentially to cache-break a CloudFront distribution targeting that bucket.

Environmental variables required

DSS_SOURCE_REPO: the name of the CodeCommit repository to query for files DSS_TARGET_BUCKET: the name or URN of the bucket to copy to DSS_CLOUDFRONT_DISTRIBUTION: the URL of the CloudFront distribution to cache-break (optional.)

Sample Event JSON

Event {
    "Records": [
            "awsRegion": "us-east-1",
            "codecommit": {
                "references": [
                        "commit": "5570d84dacb6b34ae81ea033caf0dcb289a79163",
                        "ref": "refs/heads/main"
            "customData": null,
            "eventId": "2bfa10c8-a19a-4946-b321-d4e70c3a42b0",
            "eventName": "ReferenceChanges",
            "eventPartNumber": 1,
            "eventSource": "aws:codecommit",
            "eventSourceARN": "arn:aws:codecommit:us-east-1:614218673609:jbcodes-ui",
            "eventTime": "2023-07-31T16:46:25.647+0000",
            "eventTotalParts": 1,
            "eventTriggerConfigId": "11369698-efd0-4dd5-86d7-5498710d1812",
            "eventTriggerName": "jbcodes-ui_update",
            "eventVersion": "1.0",
            "userIdentityARN": "arn:aws:iam::614218673609:user/jake-code-admin"