Racket-style Higher-Order Contracts in Plain JavaScript
This is a fork of sefaira/rho-contracts.js which is maintained by the
original author and the team at Body Labs. The maintainers under the
account are on hiatus, so this fork will continue
rho-contracts' maintenance and development, notably
- Implemented support for ES6 classes
- Improved stack trace support across more browsers
Table of Content
Run-time vs Compile-time
Higher-order contracts
Blame, Blame-correctness, and Blame Tracking
Contracts on Functions-as-Values
Additional Documentation__
Basic Value Contracts
Storing Custom Contracts
Data Structure Contracts
Contracts on Functions
Contracts for Optional Arguments
Wrapping vs Checking
Object Contracts
A Lightweight Notation
Contracts on Prototypes and Constructors
Undocumented Functionality
Related Work
npm install rho-contracts-fork
(scroll down to Tutorial to skip the intro)
is an implementation of Racket's higher-order contracts library in
JavaScript. It is an attempt to bring to JavaScript the reliability benefits we
usually get from static types, namely:
Types detect bugs early, loudly, and provide clear error messages with precise blame.
Types establish powerful invariants that guarantee that certain kinds of bugs do not exists in certain sections of the code.
Types act as a checked documentation for the expected input-output type of functions.
Types provide a fulcrum against which we can leverage a refactoring.
Among the dynamic languages, JavaScript is suffering from the absence of static
types quite, because of it propensity for implicitly converting everything
into everything else, and its habit turning anything into a null
at a moment's
notice. When I couldn't stand it anymore, I wrote this contract library.
is purely a run-time checker. It will never give a compile-time
error; it will never refuse to run your code. rho-contracts.js
is an assert library
where the assertions are written in a style similar to that of a static type
system, and whose checking discipline is sufficiently strict to provide similar
guarantees as a type system (though not the same.)
is an higher-order contract library, as opposed to
run-of-the-mill assertion library, which means that it provides the ability to
check assertions on functions received as an arguments, and on function returned from
functions. When implementing derive(fn, deltaX)
, it is trivial to add an assert
that checks that deltaX
is a number. It is harder to check that fn
is a
function that always returns a number. Without higher-order contracts, the only
way to implement this check is to pollute the code with if (!isNumber(result_from_fn)) ...
everywhere fn
is called -- that's not great. Higher-order contracts make it
possible to place the specification next to the definition of derive
, where it
belongs, like this:
var c = require('rho-contracts-fork')
// derive: returns a function that is the numerically-computed derivative
// of the given function.
var derive =
/* This is the specification: */
c.fun( { fn: c.fun( { x: c.number } ).returns(c.number) },
{ deltaX: c.number } )
/* And the implementation goes here: */
function(fn, deltaX) {
return function(x) {
return (fn(x+deltaX/2) - fn(x-deltaX/2))/deltaX
In this example, we use c.fun
to instantiate a contract stating that derive
is a function of two arguments. The first argument, which is named fn
, must be a
function of one argument, called x
, which must be a number. The contract also
specifies that derive
's second argument is named deltaX
, which must be a
The derive
function itself is created as an anonymous function using JavaScript's
own function
keyword. The newly created anonymous function is then immediately
wrapped with a contract-checking shell, using rho-contracts.js
' .wrap()
method on
contracts. The result of .wrap()
is a function that:
- checks that the given arguments passes their contracts (aka, that
is a function and thatdeltaX
is a number), - calls the original function, then
- checks that the result of calling the function matches the
contract specified in the
clause, then - passes the result through to the to the original caller.
In addition, at the moment of the call to the original function (Step 2 above),
will .wrap()
the function passed-in for fn
. This way fn
itself will be protected by a contract shell during the entire duration of the
execution of the body of derive
, and all its invocations will be checked
against the contract.
Given the definition for derive
> function quadratic(x) { return 5*x*x + 3*x + 2 }
// When `derive` is called correctly, there is no error:
> var linear = derive(quadratic, 1.0)
> linear(0)
> linear(1)
> linear(10)
// Error: calling with the arguments flipped:
> derive(1.0, quadratic)
ContractError: Expected fun, but got 1
For the `fn` argument of the call.
// Error: forgetting an argument:
> derive(quadratic)
ContractError: Wrong number of arguments, expected 2 but got 1
// Error: calling with the wrong kind of function:
> var fprime = derive(function(x) { return "**" + x + "**" }, 1.0)
// There is now a contract-checking shell installed around `fprime` that
// throws an error when `fprime` is called:
> fprime(100)
ContractError: `fn()` broke its contract
Expected number, but got '**100.5**'
for the return value of the call.
Note how these contract errors are triggered earlier than JavaScript's
native error, they provide clearer error messages, and they highlight the
exactly line where the error is, rather than some line deep inside the
implementation of derive
In the last example, when fn
fails to return a number, which code is
responsible for the failure? A normal assertion library used as desbribed
earlier would raise an exception: assertion failed: expected a number for
variable result_from_fn
but got a string. This exception would contain a
stack trace whose first frame would be pointing the blame on the shoulders of
the implementation of derive
. But that is incorrect. The error is not that
assigned a wrong value to the result_from_fn
variable. Rather, fn
broke its contract -- or more precisely, the module calling derive
contractually required to provide a function that would only return numbers when
called, but it failed to abide its responsibility. The error message should
make it clear that the failure comes from fn
, not from derive
. rho-contracts.js
error messages do indeed makes this clear. The error printed is:
`fn()` broke its contract. Expected a number, but got '**100.5**'
for the return value of the call.
is an implementation of the paper Contracts for higher-order
functions, by Findler and Felleisen,
ICFP 2002. The paper formalizes the notion of blame, describes the
blame-tracking algorithm necessary to report blame correctly, and proves the
algorithm correct.
This implementation follows the paper closely though without Racket's macro
system it was not possible to implement the report of blame in term of the name
of the module interacting. rho-contracts.js
only reports the function names.
's higher-order contracts can also be used to check the correctness
of functions used as values (aka, stored inside data structures.) This is
clearly very useful in JavaScript where functions-in-data are used
everywhere. In JavaScript, objects are constructed by putting functions into a
hash table, then passing that hash table around. It would be impossible to check
these functions against their specification without higher-order contracts.
For example:
// Define a contract for position objects with two methods, `moveX` and `moveY`:
> var posContract =
x: c.number,
y: c.number,
moveX: c.fun({dx: c.number}),
moveY: c.fun({dx: c.number})
// Define a constructor for position objects. Objects returned
// will have their methods `.wrap()`-ed with contract-checking shells:
> var makePos = c.fun({x: c.number}, { y: c.number })
function(x, y) {
return { x: x,
y: y,
moveX: function(dx) { return makePos(this.x + dx, this.y) }
moveY: function(dy) { return makePos(this.x, this.y + dy) }
// Try to misuse the object:
> makePos(5, 7).moveX("left")
ContractError: on `moveX()`
Expected number, but got 'left'
for the `dx` argument of the call.
Additional Documentation
In a delightful instance of self-reference, the contract library is documented
and checked using the contract library itself. If reading tutorials is not your thing,
you may want to instead look at the contracts placed on rho-contracts.js
's functions
and methods by reading contract.js
The contract library is typically require
'd and bound to a variable called c
c = require('rho-contracts-fork')
Some fields of c
are contract objects you can use directly, such as the
> c.number.toString()
> c.number.check(5) // everything is fine, no error, returns the given value.
> c.number.check("five") // boom, because a string is not a number.
ContractError: Expected number, but got 'five'
The ContractError
being thrown is a normal JavaScript Error
. It can be caught
and rethrown like normal exceptions. Other useful basic contracts are
, c.integer
, c.bool
, and c.regexp
: accepts only strings, according to Underscore.js's_.isString()
: accepts only numbersv
that satisfyMath.floor(v) === v
: accepts only booleans, according to Underscore.js's_.isBoolean()
: accepts only regular expressions, according to Underscore.js's_.isRegExp()
For completeness, there are also
: accepts only values that selects theelse
branch of a JavaScript conditionalc.truthy
: accepts only values that select theif
: accepts only the given value and nothing else.c.any
: the contract that accepts everythingc.nothing
: the contract that rejects everything
Other fields of c
are functions that construct interesting
contracts, such as c.oneOf()
which returns a contract that only accepts the values enumerated:
> var anwserContract = c.oneOf("y", "yes", "n", "no")
> anwserContract.toString()
'c.oneOf(y, yes, n, no)'
> answerContract.check("yes") // good, no error
> answerContract.check("bunny") // boom
ContractError: Expected oneOf(y, yes, n, no), but got 'bunny'
On particularly powerful contract is c.or()
, which is a contract that takes
two or more contracts as argument, and returns a contract that accept a value if
it passes any one of the given contracts:
> c.or(c.number, c.string).check(10) // good
> c.or(c.number, c.string).check("ten") // good
> c.or(c.number, c.string).check( { x: 10 } )
ContractError: none of the contracts passed:
- c.number
- c.string
The failures were:
c.number: Expected number, but got { x: 10 }
c.string: Expected string, but got { x: 10 }
The c.or()
contracts makes it possible to specify types for the kind of
heterogeneous functions that are common in idiomatic JavaScript, but that would
be refused outright by most static type systems (that is so awesome.)
The contract library provides a rich collection of contract function to construct sophisticated contracts from simple one, such as:
: as we just saw, accepts values that pass at least one of the given contracts. -
: accepts only values that pass all of the given contracts. -
: accepts only strings that match the given regular expressions.
In all likelihood, you will be instantiating a large number of custom contracts. It is customary to create a hash to contain the custom contract created in an application or in a particular module:
> var cc = {} // custom contracts
> cc.numberAsAString = c.matches(/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/)
> cc.numberAsAString.check("42") // ok
> cc.numberAsAString.check("10.7") // ok
> cc.numberAsAString.check("10.") // boom
ContractError: Expected matches(/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/), but got '10.'
Another option is to make a clone of the contract library at the top of your node module and keep the contracts created and used in that module in the clone:
> var _ = require('underscore')
> var c = _.clone(require('rho-contracts-fork'));
> c.numberAsString = c.matches(/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/)
> c.or(c.falsy, c.numberAsString).check(null) // ok, null is falsy
To prevent the toString()
output of custom contracts from become unwieldy long and
render the rho-contracts.js
's error messages difficult to read, call .rename()
before storing them:
> c.numberAsString = c.matches(/^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?$/)
> c.numberAsString.check("o_0.") // boom
ContractError: Expected numberAsString, but got 'o_0.'
A c.array()
contract checks that all items in the array passes the given
> c.array(c.integer).check([1, 2, 3, 45.2, 5, 6])
ContractError: Expected integer, but got 45.2
for the 4th element of the array.
The full value being checked was:
[ 1, 2, 3, 45.2, 5, 6 ]
A c.tuple()
contract checks that the array has at least the given number of items
(having extra items is OK). Then it checks that each item passes its
corresponding contract:
> c.tuple(c.number, c.string).check([10, "ten"]) // ok
[ 10, 'ten' ]
> c.tuple(c.number, c.string).check([10, 20]) // boom
ContractError: Expected string, but got 20
for the 2nd element of the tuple.
The full value being checked was:
[ 10, 20 ]
> c.tuple(c.number, c.string).check([10]) // boom
ContractError: Expected tuple of size 2, but got [ 10 ]
A c.hash()
contract checks that all right-hand values of a hash table passes the
given contract:
> c.hash(c.bool).check({ a: true, b: true, c: false, d: null, e: false })
ContractError: Expected bool, but got null
for the key `d` of the hash.
The full value being checked was:
{ a: true, b: true, c: false, d: null, e: false }
Contract on functions are implemented by wrapping the implementing
function with a contract-checking shell. This is achieved with the .wrap()
method on contracts:
> function square_implementation(x) { return x * x }
> var square_contract = c.fun ( { x: c.number } )
> var square = square_contract.wrap(square_implementation)
> square(25)
The contract-checking shell checks all invocations of the square
function. It
will raise an error if either the wrong number of arguments is provided, or if
any argument fails to check against its contract:
> square(10, 11, 12)
ContractError: Wrong number of arguments, expected 1 but got 3
> square("cat")
Expected number, but got 'cat'
for the `x` argument of the call.
Usually, the implementation, the contract, and the wrapped function are all created at once in one expression, like this:
var square = c.fun( { x: c.number } )
function (x) { return x * x } )
Each argument's contract is specified in the call to c.fun()
using a hash
table containing exactly one field. The name of that field is used by
's error messages when the argument's check
fails. Note that the name of the argument in the contract can be different from the name
of the argument in the implementation. This is sometime useful -- at time
the implementation might want to uses a short name internally, yet still prefer to
give users a long-form variable name in the error messages:
var normalizeTime = c.fun( { secondSinceEpoc: c.number } )
function (s) { return s % 60 } )
> normalizeTime(124526)
> normalizeTime(null)
ContractError: Expected number, but got null
for the `secondSinceEpoc` argument of the call.
Contracts for function of more than one arguments are specified by passing additional one-field hashes, separated by commas:
var area = c.fun( { x: c.number }, { y: c.number } )
function(x, y) { return x * y }
Attempting to pass all arguments as a single hash is an error:
> var area = c.fun( { x: c.number, y: c.number } )
> .wrap( // ^---- THIS IS WRONG
> function(x, y) { return x * y }
ContractLibraryError: fun: expected exactly one
key to specify the name of the 1st arguments, but got 2
This style of specifying arguments names when calling c.fun()
is necessary
because JavaScript does maintain the order of fields in hashes.
Contracts returned by c.fun()
have three additional methods not found on other
: This will check that the function returns only numbers. -
: This will allow a variable number of arguments, so long as they are all numbers. Generally, the contract passed to.extraArgs()
will be matched against an array containing the extra arguments beyond those specified explicitly. This opens the possibility of checking overloaded function and other rich combinations of extra arguments by usingc.or()
contract along withc.tuple()
Like all other methods on contract, these thwo methods, .returns()
and .extraArgs()
do not modify the original contract. Instead they
return a new contract which checks everything the original contract checks, plus
their additional check. They are used like this:
> var triceWord = c.fun({s:c.any}).returns(c.string)
// ^---- This is a bug, should be `c.string`
function (s) { return s + s + s })
> triceWord("bork")
> triceWord(35)
ContractError: Expected string, but got 105
for the return value of the call.
c.fun().thisArg( ---- )
: We mention.thisArg()
for completeness. This contract checks that the method was invoked on an object of the right form. (Note, this method name is not calledthis
to avoid clashing with the JavaScript reserved wordthis
). However, usages ofc.fun().thisArg
are rare. It is more customary to use the.method()
method on object contacts (See Contracts on Objects below.)c.fun().thisArg
is useful when using the Apply Invocation Pattern described in Chapter 4 of Douglas' Crockford' JavaScript, The Good Parts.
> var makeStatus = function(string) { return { status: string } }
> var get_status =
c.fun().thisArg(c.object({status: c.string})).returns(c.string)
function() { return this.status })
> get_status.apply({ status: 'A-OK' }) // OK
> get_status.apply({ statosstratos: 'I have a typo' }) // not OK
ContractError: Field `status` required, got { statosstratos: 'I have a typo' }
for this `this` argument of the call.
Contracts can be marked optional using c.optional()
When used for a function's
argument, a contract that has been marked optional makes that argument optional
(the contract itself is not affected otherwise). All arguments to the right of an optional
argument must be optional as well.
> var c = require('rho-contracts-fork')
> var util = require('util')
> var x = 0
> var incrementIt = c.fun({ i: c.optional(c.number) } ).returns(c.number)
function(i) { if (i) x+=i; else x++; return x })
> incrementIt(10)
> incrementIt() // calling with the argument omitted
> incrementIt(10, 20) // too many arguments!
ContractError: Too many arguments, expected at most 1 but got 2
Recall, we cannot tell if a function will be miscalled until it is called, and
we cannot tell if a function will return a value of the wrong type until it
tries to return. Thus, function contracts cannot be checked without wrapping the
targeted function with a contract-checking shell. Concretely, this means it is
an error to call .check()
on a function contract:
> c.fun({ n: c.integer }).check(function(n) { return n+1 })
ContractLibraryError: check: This contract requires wrapping.
Call wrap() instead and retain the wrapped result.
The requirement to call .wrap()
instead of .check()
carries over to
contracts over data structures containing functions:
> var operations = [function (x) { return x + 1 },
function (x) { return x * 2 },
function (x) { return x * x } ]
// Check whether `operations` is indeed an array of functions from number to number:
> c.array(c.fun({ x: c.number }).returns(c.number))
ContractLibraryError: check: This contract requires wrapping.
Call wrap() instead and retain the wrapped result.
By replacing .check()
with .wrap()
, rho-contracts.js
will recur down the
array and wrap each function with the function contract:
> var operations_wrapped =
c.array(c.fun({ x: c.number }).returns(c.number))
Here, .wrap()
returns a new array containing the wrapped functions. So
long as the array's functions are used correctly, the presence of the contract
checking-shells is unnoticeable:
> operations_wrapped.foreach(function(fn) { util.debug(fn(5)) }
But if we misuse one of the functions, the checking shell throws an exception. The error provided clearly identifies the source of the fault:
> operations_wrapped.foreach(function(fn) { fn("five") }
ContractError: Expected number, but got 'five'
for the `x` argument of the call.
The full value being checked was:
[ [Function], [Function], [Function] ]
Meanwhile, the original functions rest unmodified in the original operations
array, and continue to fail silently:
> operations.foreach(function(fn) { util.debug(fn("five")) }
DEBUG: five1
The .wrap()
method wraps recursively all JavaScript's data structures, array,
hashes, tuples, and objects.
Since objects in JavaScript are constructed out of normal hash tables containing normal functions, contracts on objects follow the usage described in the previous three sections Data Structure Contracts, Contracts on Functions and Wrapping vs Checking.
> String.prototype.repeat = function( num ) { // A helper function on
String, just for fun.
return new Array(num + 1).join(this);
> c.animal = c.object({ nLegs: c.number,
name: c.string,
speak: c.fun({n: c.number}).returns(c.string) })
> var makeCat = c.fun({ name: c.string }).returns(c.animal)
.wrap(function (name) {
return {
nLegs: 4,
name: name,
speak: function(n) { return this.name + " says " + "meow".repeat(n) }
> var makeBird = c.fun({ name: c.string }).returns(c.animal)
.wrap(function (name) {
return {
nLegs: 2,
name: name,
speak: function(n) { return this.name + " says " + "tweet".repeat(n) }
> var tweetie = makeBird("tweetie")
> tweetie.speak(3)
tweetie says tweettweettweet.
In this example, the contract on the .speak()
method will correctly verify that the
method returns a string. However, it does not verify whether it was correctly invoked on an
animal -- an error could go undetected:
> var speak = tweetie.speak
> speak(2)
undefined says tweettweet. // Yikes!
The .thisArg()
method on function contracts can be used to add this additional
check. In order to distinguish functions intended be used as methods,
provides c.method()
, which is a variant of c.fun()
takes the contract on this
as its first argument:
> c.animal = c.object({ nLegs: c.number,
name: c.string,
speak: c.method(c.animal, { n: c.number}).returns(c.string) })
// ^--- Ousp, this doesn't actually work.
However, this attempt fails due to the cyclic reference: the line of code
defining the contract for animals refers to the contract for animals. When the
is looked up on the third line the first line has not returned yet,
so c.animal
is not defined and the lookup returns of c.animal
provides a way to establish this cyclic reference in large part to
make it possible to fully specify such contract on objects. The function
creates a temporary placeholder until we can close the cycle:
> c.animal = c.cyclic()
The placeholder returned by c.cyclic()
has only one useful method:
, which must be called with the actual contract:
> c.animal.closeCycle(c.object({ nLegs: c.number,
name: c.string,
speak: c.method(c.animal, { n: c.number }).returns(c.string) }))
When using this better definition of c.animal
, the error is caught as it should:
> var speak = tweetie.speak
> speak(2)
ContractError: on `speak()`
Expected object, but got undefined
for this `this` argument of the call.
provides three additional pieces of functionality made specifically for
object contracts.
: Contracts marked "optional" by thec.optional()
function (as discussed earlier in the Contracts for Optional Arguments section) are also used to specify optional fields of objects. A field is considered missing if is not set, or if it is set to null. All these are OK.
> c.car = c.object({ carModel: c.string,
trunkSize: c.optional(c.number) }) // missing to indicate a sport car with no trunk
> c.car.check({ carModel: "MINI Cooper Coupe", // OK
trunkSize: 9.8 })
> c.car.check({ carModel: "Infiniti IPL G Convertible", // OK
trunkSize: null })
> c.car.check({ carModel: "Infiniti IPL G Convertible" }) // Also OK
But not:
> c.car.check({ trunkSize: 22.1 })
ContractError: Field `carModel` required, got { trunkSize: 9.8 }
: By default, objects are allowed to have additional fields not specified in the contract. Calling.strict()
returns a contract that disallows them.
> c.car.check({ carModel: "semitruck", towing: true }) // this is fine
> c.car.strict().check({ carModel: "semitruck", towing: true }) // but this is not
ContractError: Found the extra field `towing` in { carModel: 'semitruck', towing: true }
: -
.strict on tuples
All rho-contracts.js
functions will automatically promote simple values
to the corresponding contract when passed to a function that expects a
contract. This applies to arrays of one argument, non-functions, and
non-objects. Promoting these allows a simpler notation for
contracts. However, automatically promoting objects is too error prone,
so to use the lighter notation in the presence of object contracts,
call toContract
explicitly, like this:
cc.kidPark = toContract({
name: c.string,
acres: c.number,
playunit: {
junglebars: c.bool,
slides: c.number,
ladders: [{
color: c.string,
size: c.string
Contracts on Prototypes and Constructors
To check functions that are intended to be invoked with new
, aka
"constructor" functions, use the constructs
method on function
function CounterImpl(x) {
this.x = x;
// return this; // return statement omitted
CounterImpl.prototype.inc = function (i) {
this.x += i;
var Counter = c.fun({x: c.number})
inc: c.fun({i: c.number})
.returns(c.object({x: c.number}))
var instance = new Counter(5);
// and also both of these hold:
As expected, the method inc
placed on CounterImpl.prototype
present on the instance's prototype chain without occurring on the
instance itself. Prototype chaining (where one prototype itself is
receiving methods from its prototype and so forth) also works as
The argument to constructs
specifies the contracts on the
of the function. Unless a different thisArg
has been set
on the contract, constructs
threats these functions as methods of
class, meaning that it checks that the this
argument is always bound
to an instance of the constructor. For example, instance.inc.call({x: 5}, 1)
fails since {x: 5}
is not instanceof Counter
is not strict, in the sense that additional fields on the
constructor's prototype
, but not present in the contract, will
appear on the constructed objects' prototype without checks nor
wrapping. This means that private methods and fields can be omitted
from the contract.
Note that that contract-checking shells introduced by rho-contracts
disturb usages of the constructor
property. Since the constructor
field of the prototype continue to point to the original unwrapped
function the equality new Counter(5).constructor === Counter
longer holds.
Though not the best pattern, constructor functions can be wrapped normally with function contracts, like this:
function CounterImpl(x) {
this.x = x;
return this; // see below
CounterImpl.prototype.inc = function (i) {
this.x += i;
var Counter = c.fun({x: c.number})
inc: c.fun({i: c.number}),
x: c.number
var instance = new Counter(5);
However, this usage has two downsides:
- First, if the constructor function omits
and relies on the semantic ofnew
invocations to automatically return the newly constructed object, contracts on return values (placed withreturns
) will fail. - Second, the common pattern of placing methods on the prototype in order to share them across instances fails to achieve the intended memory savings since every newly constructed instance receives a contract-checking shells for the methods present on the prototype.
The constructs
method shown above avoids both these problems.
Functionality in Contract.js
Read about these functions in contract.js
: construct custom contracts from predicates. -
: the sibblings ofc.cylic
. -
: contracts on whole modules which seals private methods -
: setting the depth of the data printed in the error messages, which defaults to 5-plys deep. -
: a shorter notation for function contracts the omits argument names. -
: a contract that accepts any function without wrapping. -
: a contract that accepts values that pass aninstanceof
check. -
The documentation feature is best learned by following the example set by
: -
document category
document module
And also
Related Work
is an implementation of the paper Contracts for higher-order functions, by Findler and Felleisen, ICFP 2002. -
The original and best implementation of the paper's ideas is racket/contract
is a dialect of CoffeeScript that likerho-contracts.js
also implements Racket's contracts. -
runs on top of a contract-checking runtime implemented in JavaScript using Proxies, that is currently only implemented in Firefox 4+ and chrome/V8 with the experimental javascript flag enabled. -
ristretto-js implements a run-time checker for types written in Haskell syntax inside of specification strings. It suffers from the troubles of externally embedded languages, namely that it exists separate from its host language. It support only a limited number of basic type (Int, Num, String, Bool, Object, Array) with no possibility of extensions that's available and its type namespace is separate from the JavaScript namespace and module machinery.
jsContract, cerny.js, are good-old (bad-old?) Eiffel-style contract libraries. True to their Eiffel roots, they require lots of code for little benefit, in particular, they cannot check higher-order functions, cannot separate specification from implementation. See Findler and Felleisen for a more thorough comparison.
This library was created at Sefaira.com, originally for internal use. We are releasing it to the open source community under the Mozilla open-source license (MPL).