🌏 CUNY Hackathon 2021 Finalist 🏅 3rd Place Overall 🏅 Best Presentation 🌏
Created By: Jacob Pauls, Alex Lazcano, Grishma Bhattarai, and Jake Kim
Live Demo
- The realization that there isn't a single platform that provides visualization for a multitude of statistics and topics at once
- Something that is incredibly visual and intuitive could also be used as an education tool
- A strong desire to build something in three.js and work a little bit with 3D mathematics in a project
- Provides real time data visualization for a COVID-19 API and an Earthquake API on a 3D globe as either bars or spheres
- Provides brief information on the issue visualized on the globe
- 3D globe, background, clouds, specular, and bump map rendering in three.js
- 3D plotted data as either SphereGeometry or BoxGeometry in three.js - Data was plotted by retrieving a latitude/longitude from the APIs and then converting it to a plot on the 3D globe using spherical geometry
- Basic HTML/CSS for UI components
- Deployed to Netlify
- Finding useful APIs that provided data for multiple continents/countries at once - Wanted to keep API call count low and still visualize lots of data
- Plotting the data points, as the calculations for the 3D vectors were confusing at first
- Rendering the globe in a way that would be performant for a web server, original implemntation took upwards of 10 seconds to load. Eventually this was minimized and the globe renders within 3-5 seconds on most machines
- Updating this project would mean including more relevant statistical data to truly make it comprehensive against most of the world's issues
Made with 💛 in 2021