Calphalon TempIQ Dimmer Mod



Remove Top Cover:

  • First remove the water resevoir.

  • There are 4 screws that hold the top cover in place:

    • 2 in the back near the top of the case. Alt text

    • 2 are located in the front in long recessed holes. The ones in front are tri-wing screws that require a long (3.5"+) 6mm tri-wing screwdriver. This was the hardest part of the process Alt text

Remove Bottom Cover

  • Next flip the machine over. All screws to remove bottom are pretty obvious.
  • Remove all screws on the bottom side of the machine to remove the bottom cover.

Remove Back Cover

  • The back is held in by 4 screws at the top and the bottom:
    • 2 are near the top right under the top cover: Alt

    • 2 are under the bottom cover : Alt

    • Once the 4 screws are removed you can pry the back away from the case, it may take some force bit it will come off.

Wire in Dimmer

  • After the back cover is removed, you will see the vibratory pump in the bottom left corner of the machine, the pump will be covered by a thin black rubber cover: alt

  • Now you can wire in the connector to the Blue terminal using the spade connectors. So the wire should go from the original blue wire, into one wire of the dimmer, then back to the pump using the other dimmer wire.

  • At this point you can put the back cover on and test if it works. Put the tank back on, plug in machine, turn on power. When the machine is ready, you can turn to 1 shot setting and adjust dimmer, the output should vary depending on dimmer position.

  • If it works you're done!

(Optional) Mount Dimmer

  • You can mount the dimmer, by drilling a hole into the side of the machine and cutting out enough of the side wall to accommodate the dimmer board. Best tools for this are a dremel and maybe a soldering iron to melt plastic. I also used tin snips to cut away the loose plastic.

Inside: alt

Final Install: alt