Software Benchmarking Script

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Software Benchmarking Script

A simple method for launching a process and collecting system resource utilisation statistics.


sbs.py is used to execute a command and monitor system resources used by the opened process

plotter.py is used to plot the output data generated by sbs.py

stats.py is used to generate statistics on the data generated by sbs.py


  1. Clone the repository to your machine

git clone https://github.com/jakeb1996/SBS

  1. Open your CLI and navigate to the root directory of the repository.

  2. (optional) Add to Windows context menu if you wish to quickly analyse SBS output with plotter.py and stats.py (otherwise just manually run these scripts).

In Registry Editor:

  • Create HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/shell/SBS Plot and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/shell/SBS Plot/command

Set the value for command to C:\python27\python.exe C:\git\SBS\plotter.py --wincntxmnu -f "%1"

  • Create HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/shell/SBS Stats and HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/*/shell/SBS Stats/command

Set the value for command to C:\python27\python.exe C:\git\SBS\stats.py --wincntxmnu -f "%1"


  1. To run the sbs.py script, use the following command:

python sbs.py -c <command> -o <data-output-file> -s <polling-interval-secs> -l <tailable-y-n>

Command arguments include:

  • -c The command to run. eg: notepad.exe.

  • -o Filename for saving the data to eg: output.csv.

  • -s The polling interval for checking utilisation of system resources, in seconds. eg: 1.

  • -l Toggle whether the data output file is tailable (y/n). eg: y ie: tail -f output.csv.log


  1. To run the plotter.py script, use the following command:

python plotter.py -f <data-input-file> -t <tool-name-as-string>

Command arguments include:

f The data input file (in CSV format) generated by sbs.py eg: output.csv.

Note: if you input a path and partial filename, plotter.py will search for appropriate files that match (files that end with a PID, the words aggregate and system). The following files would match if output/toolName-0001 was the value for -f.


t The name of the tool analysed by sbs.py eg: "Cas-OFFinder"

Plots are configured within the Python script. See file for details.


  1. To run the stats.py script, use the following command:

python stats.py -f <data-input-file> -t <tool-name-as-string>

Command arguments include:

f The data input file (in CSV format) generated by sbs.py eg: output.csv

Note: if you input a path and partial filename, plotter.py will search for appropriate files that match (files that end with a PID, the words aggregate and system). The following files would match if output/toolName-0001 was the value for -f.


t The name of the tool analysed by sbs.py eg: "Cas-OFFinder"

Statistical output is configured within the Python script. See file for details.



Many files are generated by sbs.py:

  1. The most important; a CSV-formatted file located and named according to the -o argument, with _aggregate concatenated on the end. This file is an aggregate of all system resource utilisation (consumed by the flag -c and its children). By default, the following is included in that file:

Notably, some values are instantaneous (eg: CPU usage) and some are cumulative (total read operations on the disk since starting).

Instantaneous statistics

Time of recording

Number of threads 

CPU utilisation as percentage. Values over 100% indicate utilisation of multiple cores.

Resident Set Size memory usage (physical memory usage)

Virtual Memory Size (phy+vir memory)

Number of child processes

Cumulative statistics

IO read count

IO read bytes

IO write count

IO write bytes

A log file describing:

  • Launch time

  • Launch parameters

  • Debug info (when appropriate)

  • Clean-up process

Example name: output/toolName0001_aggregate

  1. For each process launched (parent, children, grandchildren, etc.), a file with the same specification as described above is generated. This file is process specific and is not an aggregation of data.

Example name: output/toolName0001_28529

  1. A CSV-formatted file describing the overall utilisation of system resources. It contains very similar data to the process specific system utilisation files.

Example name: output/toolName0001_system

  1. A CSV-formatted file which lists the commands executed to launch each child.

Example name: output/toolName0001_child_cmds

  1. A CSV-formatted file which lists the start and end times of child processes. This file can be used with plotter.py.

Example name: output/toolName0001_child_cmds_plot

  1. A copy of the stdout from the sbs.py script.

Example name: output/toolName0001_stdout_log


Associated PNG files are generated for each plot. Output files are placed in the same directory as the input file.


A single CSV file is generated for data measurement. The output file is placed in the same directory as the input file. Currently stats.py generates the following:

  • Count (number of data points)

  • Minimum

  • Maximum

  • Median

  • Mean

  • Upper quartile

  • Lower quartile

  • Standard deviation

  • Start time

  • End time

  • Elapsed time


SBS depends on the psutil library available via pip.

pip install psutil

Pip: https://pypi.org/project/psutil/

Documentation: https://psutil.readthedocs.io