
Docker container powered terminal assignments

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


uAssign is a system to manage *NIX terminal assignments. It uses Docker containers to build real, interactive environments to an instructor's specification, proxying a terminal over WebSockets to a user. The full lifecycle of containers is managed, including the ability for users to disconnect and reconnect with their state preserved.

More information about this project can be found in my master's thesis, as well as in the docs directory.

Developer notes

This repo has switched to Go modules to make this project more accessible, as it can now be cloned and built outside of $GOPATH. When run via docker-compose, volumes will be created to store downloaded modules and Go's build cache.

Use the gomod.sh script to properly update go.mod. This project uses Docker libraries pretty heavily, the most important of which are not yet compatible with Go modules. gomod.sh will update the more troubled Docker libraries to master, replace go.uuid with the gofrs fork, update the rest of the libraries normally.

Note that kallax gen doesn't work outside of $GOPATH, so go generate should not be run without cloning the repo into $GOPATH first when generating models/kallax.go. This will need to be done until the upstream fixes it (unlikely, as they seem to have dropped the project), or this project switches to another ORM.

TODOs relating to Go modules:

  • Switch from the unmaintained mattes/migrate to the maintained golang-migrate/migrate; was blocked by needing modules for versioned import paths.
  • Run all go generate tooling with gobin/tools.go for versioning.