
component that offers a textarea as input for markdown formatted text, and a div that outputs the rendered markdown

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Stability Experimental

barebones component that offers a textarea as input for markdown formatted text, and a div that outputs the rendered markdown.

a markdown editing nanocomponent

example screenshot


var MarkdownComponent = require('markdown-component')

var md = new MarkdownComponent()
var component = md.render('# title\n - list item', {
  component: {
    classes: 'flex justify-center'
  textarea: {
    classes: 'outline w-50 pa3 mr2'
  div: {
    classes: 'outline w-50 pa3 mr2'


// default
var markdownComponent = require('markdown-component')
var md = new MarkdownComponent()
var component = md.render()

md.render: String|Object

  • String: (optional), markdown formatted string
  • Object: (optional), options for the rendered elements

options object

  component: {
    classes: 'classes for the containg div'
  textarea: {
    classes: 'classes for the textarea element'
  div: {
    classes: 'classes for the the output div'
  onDrop: `Function|Boolean` 
    // Defualt: Adds markdown syntax for an image blob to the text editor, and renders the image in the output.
    // Implementing your own `onDrop` function will override the default onDrop function.
    // Setting `onDrop: false` will prevent the text editor from doing anything with file drag and drops.


var choo = require('choo')
var html = require('choo/html')
var css = require('sheetify')
var strftime = require('strftime')
var MarkdownComponent = require('markdown-component')


var app = choo()
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {

app.route('/*', view)

module.exports = app.mount('body')

function view (state, emit) {
  var time = strftime('%B %d %Y - %X')
  var md = new MarkdownComponent()
  var component = md.render('# wow\n - cool', {
    component: {
      classes: 'flex justify-center'
    textarea: {
      classes: 'outline w-50 pa3 mr2'
    div: {
      classes: 'outline w-50 pa3 mr2'
  return html`
    <body class="code lh-copy">
      <main class="cf center">
        <section class="f6 ttu fw6 mt0 mb3 bb pb2 pa3">
        <form id=${time}>


With npm installed, run

$ npm install markdown-component


  • Write tests
  • Expand on documentation
  • Explore if this is even a good idea
