
Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Github Security

Build a better understanding of security warnings across multiple repositories in your organisation.

Getting Started


Install globally with your favourite package manager;


npm install -g gh-security


yarn global add gh-security


Run with npx;

npx gh-security

Getting an Oktokit authentication token

You'll need to provide an Oktokit auth token before you can scan repos. This requires a couple of simple steps;

Creating the token Goto https://github.com/settings/tokens/new?scopes=repo, gh-security requires "all repo" scopes to pull package security data. Token expiration is up to you, if a token expires you can regenerate and add a new one by repeating these steps.

Adding the token to gh-security Run npx gh-security auth set [your-token] replacing [your-token] with the token you generated above to set the token. This token persists across installs of the app.

Run npx gh-security auth view to verify your authorisation token has been added, if successful you should see your token.

Adding repositories to scan

Repositories to scan are based on an imported file with the following shape;

  "owner": "repo-owner",
  "repositories": [
      "repo": "my-favourite-repo"
      "repo": "my-almost-favourite-repo"
      "repo": "not-even-close-to-my-favourite-repo"

All repos to be scanned should belong to a single owner, represented by the owner key. Order doesn't matter, repos in the table will be sorted based on their security issues.

Once you've added a couple of repositories to your json, save it and run npx gh-security repo-list set ./path-to-file.json to import your repo list.

Run npx gh-security repo-list view to verify the repo list has been uploaded, if successful you should see the list you uploaded.

Running and understanding a security scan

If you've successfully added an auth token and uploaded your repo list, all that is left to do is to run npx run gh-security scan to scan your repos for security vulnerabilities.












Contributions are encouraged, please read the Contributing.md to get set up for local dev.