Simple SEO bot written in Python. Runs on OSX with Tor Browser Bundle Installed.
Refactor by MorrisLin
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download or clone this repository.
- Update Tor Browser - open your Tor Browser as you normally would, or download from here:
- Tor Browser should update automatically on open. If it does not, check your preferences in the Tor Browser.
- Open Terminal and cd to the seo-bot-python respository downloaded in step 1.
- Run: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run: python
- choose mode times or infinity
- input times(when choose times mode)
- input URL
- Sit back and grab a coffee.
- Sets up a default proxy at local host.
- Initialises SSL.
- Takes a target URL from user input.
- Opens Tor Browser, waits to load.
- Opens target URL in new tab, waits to load.
- Changes identity every 50 seconds through port 9151, previously initialised in steps 1 and 2.
- Returns read and write bytes generated after each switch.
- 0.1.1 (2022/08/23)
- Refactor project architecture
- Add requirement.txt
- Add two mode for browse
- Fix Mac open Tor not found
- Fix change IP connection refused
- support Windows